Hello, all! G-star here, and it's my 15th birthday! I've got a Birthday Broadcast going on Grooveshark, I'm wearing my favorite outfit (an Allstate t-shirt and comfy jeans), and, obviously, I'm doing something I enjoy (in the middle of class ^_^"). I'm not doing much today...just inviting some friends over and having cake. My brother has his first baseball game of the season today so my parents won't be home too much tonight, but they're taking me to Patveli's performance (he's in band) at the IHS fundraiser auction tonight. He said he might give me a birthday shoutout, so I'm looking forward to it. <3 My last post was a complaint about life, so I hope no one thought it was going to be my last...I was in a bad mood. I'm fine now.
Yesterday, as a (continued?) birthday present, my mom redyed my hair since it was starting to fade. She got a dye called "sky blue" from a hair supply place, but it's really more like dye blue than sky blue. I'd love to see the sky that they got that color out of. She slathered it on and did it completely differently than the original stylist did...we rinsed my hair out later and a ton came out, but it was still really, really bright. Honest to God, I felt like a punk rocker. This morning a little more came out when I shampooed, giving it an odd tinted look. It actually looks pretty cool, though. I'll post a webcam picture once I get home.
On Saturday night, as a birthday present for Patveli (his birthday is the day before mine, which annoys me to no end), we went to the movies. A fairly new Dynasty member but old friend, Buzz, found an old gift card to the theater at the mall and we used that. We were all supposed to bring $15 and pool our money later for snacks, but the amount actually brought was fairly uneven. Eventually everyone arrived (I'm not going to name them all because I don't want to make up that many nicknames, but Patveli's best friend, another IHS girl, Rory, and MC also came) and we headed inside for food. After we pooled the money, we but various boxes of candy, a couple sodas, two large Icees, and three -- yes, three -- large popcorns. Overall...we spent about $60. As we were counting out the money at the counter to pay, several of us were glancing around, afraid we were going to get mugged or something. It was a LOT of money.
The food was worth it, but unfortunately, the movie was not. We saw Godzilla. I never did see the original, but I bet it was better. The majority of the film was set in America, and there were only about two Japanese characters who actually received names. The plot fell apart halfway through, which was about when I stopped paying attention and MC "zoned out". At some point, all the American characters looked alike with blonde hair and blue eyes, and I couldn't even tell what was going on. The special effects were pretty good, but that was about the only upside. There were a LOT of explosions and guns. Plus some obvious disregard of basic logic.
*hoo* Alright, now that I'm done ragging on Godzilla, let's get back to the topic at hand. (And what would that be?) I mentioned before that I'd put up the new site on my birthday, and I will...tomorrow. I'm not technically 15 yet, so it would be a lie to say that I was. (Also, there are a few more things I need to put up...including Adsense, I'm still dedicated to getting one of those.) But I'll give you a teaser! On the new site, I'll be putting up a lot more of my original art; the background itself is even something I drew! (Honestly, I felt guilty using any other picture in case it was from an anime.) But also, I'm going to be rotating through a few different backgrounds, and probably only one or two of them will be original. I have a few others that I loved that I didn't end up using for the main theme that I'll have up on various days. I'll try to change the background every, hm, week or so? (But then I'll have to change the color theme every time...)
As I said before, the name of the blog will be changing. Since I'll begin posting around summertime, I didn't think it appropriate to name the blog after my high school experiences, especially since the entries have been straying further and further from that topic. So, since most popular blogs have short names that roll off the tongue, I deigned to call it LaDeeBlog, and I will just be Sara. The thing has an in-site forum (woohoo! Maybe then it'll get more visitors if people don't have to click on a link to another site...) with a chat room, a full-on profile, and some other cool stuff I can't remember just now. (Eheh.) So look forward to it! I promise it'll be worth it. The next post will just be a short explanation for new readers with a link directing everyone to the new site, so until then, this is G-star, signing off!
I just realized that this is the last official post for this site....thank you, Blogger!! You've served me well!!!