January 31, 2014

The Adventures of Discount Damsel (Intense Accidental Soulfulness/No Fingers But Still Attractive)!

     Hello, all.  G-star here.  My apologies for not posting the last two days; I was home sick Wednesday and was prevented from touching the computer except for doing homework, and yesterday I spent all my time after school finishing an IHS Literature project called a 'shadow box'.  I typed up all the information I needed this past week and threw the thing together yesterday.  I must've had a much different idea than the rest of the class about what a shadow box was supposed to look like, because everyone else's was more like a diorama than anything, with nearly every box folded or cut in some odd way, while mine was simply covered in bits of writing, with no particular angle to look at it by in order to see everything at once.  The teacher seemed to love it, which is great, but she also talked about all these deep meanings behind the style of the box.  When I told Mom about it later, she said that I should've gone "yeah, yeah, I totally meant to do that," but in reality, all I said was "um...that was an accident....yeah, didn't do that on purpose..." while she went on about how looking at it from all different angles was similar to deception (my topic) and lots of metaphors I didn't really understand.  But apparently it was really deep.
     Fortunately, today I actually have a lot to talk about.  Sometime in December I first saw a trailer for this new Lego movie that's coming out.  I'm personally not to interested in Legos (at least now; I use to play with them all the time as a kid...you know '90s astronaut?  He was my best friend) but this looks like a pretty good movie.  Recently, I've noticed that, instead of using a song that fits the movie, trailers have recent, popular songs.  Every time I go to the library I get a CD; most of the time it's a Now That's What I Call Music CD (with some caution) and it helps me find new bands and music.  Last time the CD I checked out had a track called "That's Not My Name" by The Ting Tings (sounds like a retro band).  Well, the latest Lego Movie trailers I've seen had that song playing in the background. ?_?  What??  I know that's a relatively older song.  So why do I just now start hearing it, right after I've first heard it???  Really odd...
     Speaking of Legos, the Ninjago series is continuing.  Believe it or not, I love that show, mainly because it's not nearly as cheesy as some other adventure cartoons I could mention... *cough cough Bey cough*  But also because of my favorite character: Zane.  I actually started the series when it first started, about two years ago, and I based one of my first roleplay characters off of him (well, I kind of had to, considering it was a Ninjago roleplay).  After lots of experiences, adventures, and relationships that the original Zane never had, he was way different (and had a last name).  (This is who the Zane in my comic is based on; in fact, the whole series will be written off of his experiences in the roleplay.)  Anyway, I'm completely obsessed over him, and when Pixel appeared in the new series I immediately became possessive and started shouting "NO!  NO, ROBOT LADY, YOU CANNOT HAVE ZANE!  ZANE IS MINE...ALL MIIIINE..."  I believe I might've done the same thing when his fan club appeared in the first series. ^_^"  Heheh.  Can't help it.  I've grown too attached to him over the course of writing him and watching him.  I'm hoping for great things from this continuation.
     Today after school my little brother spontaneously decided to go to Big Lots and shop for useless yet cheap items.  That's the only reason I'm glad Minecraft club was canceled for today.  I finally got my IHS Geography test back after weeks of waiting, and it turned out I aced it.  So I pretended that this was a reward for that.  Therefore I feel justified in buying Lucky Charms, puffy mint candies, and Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (on DVD).
     My family never really does stuff like this, where we go out to buy simply for the sake of buying -- in other words, a shopping spree -- and it was actually very fun.  Sometimes I go to Goodwill with Dad to find supplies for something or another and we find the weirdest stuff.  This was better.
     While I was looking at $10 headphones with microphones (I was planning to get some so I could make MC videos with Roo, but it turned out the microphones were on the cord, and, understandably, it's difficult to press keys and move a mouse while holding a cord up to your mouth) a customer chatting with one of the employees walked past, and all I heard was "Your mother died?!"  Obviously, I started listening at that point.  The employee was responding to the customer's casual way of saying something and thought that he said his mother had died.  It turned out she had heard him wrong, but it scared me for a sec.  Later, while I was wandering around by the school supplies (I seemed to naturally gravitate there; go, geeks, unite) an elderly man I walked past mumbled something.  I didn't know who he was talking to, so I continued on my merry way, but then he leaned out of the aisle and said "Miss!  Do you know where...oh.  You don't work here."  He almost sounded condescending, like "Why don't you work here?!  I needed an employee!"  '_' "  I don't really understand how he could have mistaken me for an employee.  They all wear this odd black and orange polo shirt as a uniform, and today I wore my favorite t-shirt, a gray All-State shirt I bought at a school garage sale (I had claimed it when I saw it in the gym as they were setting up; it has served me well since, and is very comfortable).  They look nothing alike.  Although I am the same height as one of the female workers I had seen earlier (the one yelling about dead mothers)...
     Later still (we were there for a really long time) I was at the hair supplies section because I needed (and still need, in fact; all they had were hair ties, bobby pins, and leopard-print clips) hair clips (which keep mysteriously disappearing in the wash ',:[ ) and I noticed (this sentence is being continuously filled with parenthetical speech...it's more fun than I would've though) a -- of all things -- Twilight Sparkle Ceramic Detailer.  It said it could "easily create Edward's textured style in seconds!"  PFFFFFT.  I burst out laughing in the middle of the store.  (Fortunately, nearly no one was there or that would've been embarrassing.  Maybe.)  I could just picture all the girls who buy that because they want to look "just like Edward!"  (No offense if you did buy that product; I'm simply sparklephobic.  Sparkling is unvampirely.  No, those aren't words.)
     I also found a Spanish version of the Green Hornet, but that's not as interesting.
     Well, I just spent four hours typing, taking care of my Pokemon eggs, roleplaying, and playing a 300-level computer games, so I'd say this was a pretty fulfilling evening.  Also, I might have time for Mini-Rambles this weekend, because I had tests in three of five periods today, and so received no homework.  Until next time, this is G-star, signing off.

January 23, 2014

Impersonal Opinions (I Lack the Strength/Layers Aren't All That Difficult).

     Pfff.  Hello, all.  G-star here.  Yes, I know, once again this is a day late, but because last night I wasn't able to go on the computer since the rest of the family was gone.  So let up.  Who am I kidding?  I'd be grateful if you criticized me.  JUST PLEASE COMMENT.  I'm getting desperate here.
     I think that I'm going to start being more casual about my "schedule".  I already stopped the weekend posts (mainly because I ran out of story bits to post), and now the Wednesday bit is going to heck.  So sometime from Wednesday to Friday is when I'll post.  But don't get me wrong, I really appreciate those of you who check the site every Wednesday for updates!  I'm so sorry you're always disappointed.  I'll try my hardest to post on time.  Just don't depend on my timeliness.  I'm not well-known for being dependable.
     In IHS Literature, we've been reading a pretty good book called The Samurai's Garden, by Gail Tsukiyama.  According to Smore, there's another book with the same name by a different author, and that one was made into a movie.  This one should be a movie, too, although if that were the case, I can name a few students who would simply watch the film instead of doing the required reading.  Anyway, almost every class we're given a reading quiz, each one in a different format.  The first one was just written answers, and the second was multiple choice, but then she had us do answers as haikus.  After that we had another of simple written answers, and this last one (we finished the book today) was a paragraph on whether or not we thought the ending was "satisfying".  If that wasn't odd enough, in this three-point paragraph, we were forced to refrain from using the words "I", "me", "you", and "your".
     Now you all know how opinionated I am, being a blogger and all, and the basis for this quiz (can I even call it that?  It was also open-book...) was the student's opinion.  So all of our "opinions" had to be stated as facts.  This worried me, and I thought of so many ways I could've made it better, although I am pretty happy with what I wrote.  I had planned to post what I wrote and what I wish I could've written in this post, but we had to turn it in at the end of the period.  Anticipating this, I attempted something I'd read in, oddly enough, a newspaper comic (ever heard of Slylock Fox?  It's in the Sunday paper): I placed the assignment sheet beneath my notebook paper (or more like Patveli's notebook paper) and wrote fairly hard.  Afterward, I went over the assignment sheet with the side of a pencil and the indents of my writing appeared.  Unfortunately, while it did turn out relatively legible, there was ink writing on the other side of the paper and so I couldn't make out more than a couple of words.  So I'm just going to do that in a couple days.  We should have it back by tomorrow.  Look forward to it!
     I'm working on a sort of poster art for that comic I've been "working" on (have I mentioned this?).  It's interesting, because I drew it in my sketchbook during school and then scanned it into the computer to work with on a manga art program I have (which I'm going to use for the actual comic as well, as it has panels and dialogue balloons and everything).  The first time I tried this, about a year ago, it got nowhere because I spent an hour trying to figure out why it wouldn't let me draw on the original drawing layer, then gave up.  Now, however, that I grasp (even lightly) the concepts of layers and such, it's much easier.  I may retry that old picture someday... I'm pretty proud of it, but I have no idea where the original is.  Just the scan file.  Anyway, when I'm done with this I'll put it up here.
     All of my teachers have been giving me big projects to do over the weekend...ugh...just thinking about it makes me feel the stress jumping up and down in my stomach.  I'll stop talking now.
     Apparently I was moved from Basketball third term to Strength and Conditioning.  Two words that make me tremble in fear.  The two classes switched rooms and periods, which really ticks me off, because they gave no warning.  Either way, I need a P.E. credit for this year, and seeing as I haven't taken any other exercise or sport classes this year, I need to take something other than Basketball that period, and that might have to be S&C.  Dangit, Basketball was the only sport on the list I was even vaguely interested in.... T-T  We'll see how this turns out.
     Well, I have virtually no time to access the computer, so I'll go now.  There was actually more I wanted to say, but none of it is important and only about half of it is interesting, so I'll save it for another day.  Likely the same one as the paragraph writing Mini-Ramble.  Until then, this is G-star, signing off.

January 16, 2014

The Drama of a High School Talent Show (The Video of Darkness/Chibi Gaming).

     Hello, all.  G-star here, blogging from my dad's iPad.  Have I ever mentioned how annoying digital keyboards are to use?  Anyway, my brother is currently working on a book report on the computer, so I had to resort to this since I'm already a day late posting.  Yay.  In a way, though, I'm glad I forgot yesterday, because a few interesting things have happened since Wednesday, which is more than I can say for the rest of the week.
     Firstly, an update on both that comic I've been "working" on and MC's and my telovelic.  Yeah...that comic...I finally settled on a name, and am currently at work on a sort of teaser picture, but I haven't added a single line to the actual comic for several weeks.  This is because, at the same time, I've been expending all my effort to finish the profile pictures for the telovelic.  I'm honestly not sure why we can't start without the profiles, but it seems to be an unsaid agreement between us.  In any case, I've finished two and a half, with a long way to go.  There's one character whom I really don't understand why she needs a profile.  I mean, she's not even an important character and possesses no defining personality or physical attributes... *shrug*  Just a pain.
     I had a test in my Mechanics class yesterday.  Everyone asks why it's called Mechanics.  Well, it's a science class dealing with states of matter, atoms, and everything else related to the all-essential building blocks of life that don't count as physics and don't involve combining acids to make things explode.  Mechanics.  Who knew.
     Anyway, it's my favorite class so far, and the teacher declared the day before he test that the person (which ended up being several "persons") with the highest score would earn a donut.  Now, you all know about my affinity for sweets (or do you?  Well, you do now), and this was the perfect motivation.  After some...extremely unintense studying and a five-second Bing, I ended up with two wrong answers and one delicious chocolate donut bar.  If she does this more often, I'll ace this class.  In fact, all my teachers should use candy and pastries as rewards for doing well on tests!  I would nominate the school for the Public School of the Year Award, even if it doesn't exist.  It also helped that I actually listened in class, unlike a lot of the boys in my period.  My main classes are so much different than IHS, and now I know just what my parents meant by "the people in this group WANT to be there."
     I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before, but I signed up for the school talent show.  It has a prize and everything, yet only 18 people signed up, for some reason.  Originally, Patveli and I were going to do a team effort but it ended up not working out, so a day before I had to turn in the sign-up sheet I was forced to pick a song in a rush.  Luckily, there was one song that I had originally planned to do on piano and voice, so I just stuck with it.  Practice has had its hardships, including changing keys with only a day remaining to work on it and my voice cracking on the chorus.  But it was well worth it, as today I did my tech rehearsal and caused both the drama club and the choir to call dibs on me.  I have to admit, that was a little odd, but I'm actually considering joining drama club next year.  Anyway, another friend from my IHS group, Greann, is doing stand-up comedy.  He's really funny, and I'm looking forward to hearing his full routine at the show, which, oh joy, is in a week.  I desperately need to practice more.
     I do get a break, though, because over the three-day weekend the HDS (the acronym for the private club I'm a member of) will be filming another video, but just for fun and not as an assignment.  Though I don't see how it's going to be very fun to tape, since it ended up being about depression and, eventually, suicide.  Butterflies and kittens, everybody.  Before I left the Skype call dedicated to deciding the plot, it was just going to be a slightly creepy silent film.  This is what happens when you leave MC and Patveli alone with a world of death and doom to fashion into a movie.  We'll see how this turns out.
     One more thing before my fingers fall off.  My little brother has a Nintendo 3DS and both Pokemon X and Pokemon Y.  So we came to an agreement that I can play on the DS, mainly on Pokemon X, but only when he's not home.  Of course, I don't see why I can't play other times as well, especially since he plays basically 24/7, and I'm sure that amount of electronic exposure isn't good for him.  Either way, he was at a Bible study deal last night, so I got to play, and one thing in particular caught my eye: a Naruto Shippiden (chibi version or something similar) demo he had downloaded.  See, ever since I bought an old Naruto fighting Wii game at a used video game booth at the mall, he's become obsessed, but as I mentioned before, younger boys probably shouldn't read it, mostly the first couple of volumes.  I've tried to quell his efforts by telling him it's teen-rated, so he should wait until he's 13 to read it, but he keeps bugging me... *sigh* Woah, that got off-topic fast.  Anyway, the game is so....stinking....CUTE!!!!!  My favorite thing is that I can be Rock Lee, my favorite character.  Too bad it's only a demo....  I've also had plenty of other escapades on Pokemon X, including some extremely aggravating ones, and I'm thinking of starting a YouTube channel for those.  Please watch them!
     Agh, my hands are EXHAUSTED.  I need my own laptop, if only to blog from.  Sorry this post was a day late, and look forward to the next one, hopefully with our depressing video attached.  I just visited the library, so now I have a crudload of new manga to read.  This'll be fun.  Until next week (or whenever, at this point), this is G-star, signing off.

January 8, 2014

Sacrificed To the Horrors of Gaming (Oh, Caffeinated Seattle/Yet Another Dream).

     Hello, all.  G-star here, and no, I don't really have much to talk about...
     MC doesn't really want to say hi, since she's doing Spanish, but SHE WILL ANYWAY.
     I hardly remember the first week of Christmas vacation, which my health teacher deigned to call winter vacation because "some people don't celebrate Christmas".  And that is true, there's also Hanukkah, and other holidays I can't remember...but seriously.  We get that week off specifically for Christmas, and the next for New Year's.  That's just how it is.  I don't understand why the teacher would purposely point that out.  He even asked everyone if there was anything they noticed about what he says...
     Ah well.  Too late for that.
     Patveli has been pestering MC and I to read Homestuck, and while I was a tiny bit interested at first, it got annoying and slightly dirty.  MC, on the other hand, has become obsessed.  Dang you, Patveli.  You've stolen my best friend and sacrificed her to the horrors of the internet.  (Not that I haven't already committed self-sacrifice with all these roleplays and dating sims...)  The only reason I'm even trying to read it is because I want to find out who Davesprite is.  He was a character in a webcomic-based dating sim and my favorite character.  So yes...
     Speaking of MC, she went to Seattle over last weekend.  (I, on the other hand, stayed home all break reading, surfing the web, and playing my new Naruto game.  Which, by the way, my brother has become sadly obsessed with, even though he pronounces it "Nay-ra-too."  Sad, but MC finds it hilarious.  And yes, I have continued reading Naruto and am currently on volume 15.  My favorite character in the game is Rock Lee, by far, because of his epic Taijutsu skills.  He was also my favorite character in the manga, and his fighting style matches my playing style perfectly.  Unfortunately, I can't play very far in story mode because I haven't read far enough and I don't want any spoilers.  At the same time I bought the Naruto game I got Guitar Hero World Tour and am having a ball with it, though I discovered Patveli's favorite song in one of the first gigs of career mode.  Well, lookey there, I just filled a paragraph that was supposed to be dedicated to MC's Seattle trip with a parentheses comment about my newest video games.  Those are my priorities.)  Apparently the highlight of the trip was....going to an underground bus station that looked like a train station in a giant concrete tube.  While that is interesting, I don't see why it wouldn't be something like Fifth Street Market or Starbucks (her favorite store EVER and the most populous building in Seattle).  Whatever.  That is Miss Cappuccino.
    Since I don't have anything else to talk about, let me mention another odd dream I had last night.  The first part was myself, some old friends, and Stulte (the last member of my private club with MC and Patveli) at some sort of Minecraft racecar track.  Suddenly there was an odd tidal wave and everything was flooded, and I was on a large makeshift raft in the middle of a neighborhood at night with MC, two boys from IHS, possibly Patveli, and Symphony, a character from MC's and my telovelic.  A shark somehow broke the raft into four pieces by hitting the bottom, and I was on a piece with MC, possibly Patveli, and one of the boys from IHS.  We paddled toward the others to try to bring the raft back together (how would we do that?) and somehow we managed it.  The rest of the dream was pretty much nonsense, except for one part where someone said of Symphony "If he had any less testosterone, he'd be making daisy chains".  Oddly enough, this pretty much defines his character.  He's a WIMP.  Also, MC had a dream that my parents were running a sketchy business in the house where people had to actually come into the house, and for some reason my brother wasn't allowed to know and....hiding and...tonsils...you know what?  Nevermind.
     And that would pretty much be everything interesting that's happened in the last week.  Let's hope I get a life soon.  Until next week or whenever, this is G-star, signing off.

January 1, 2014

Mini-Ramble: A New Year's Telovelic (What?).

     Diddly doo-da and happy New Year, everybody!  I would've loved to write this right after midnight, but that dream was cruelly crushed into a fine powder by the fact that my mom has complete control over the one internet access point in the house that I'm allowed to touch. -_-  Anyway, that was then, and this is now.  What will happen in this strange new year of 2014?  Who knows?
     However, I know one thing.  MC and I are working on a web....um....I suppose the best way to describe it is a television show mixed with a novel and a comic.  Yes.  That works.  It's our web telovelic.  (Hey, I like that.)  I won't reveal the plot yet (you have to read it yourself for that), but just as soon as the first episode and the character profiles are up, I'll put up a link, okay?  MC is doing the writing, myself the art, and we're collaborating on the story and actual site.  Look forward to it, please!
     I still haven't finished telling you about my Christmas, have I...?  Well, it's too late for that, and I now have even less computer time due to my mom putting a password lock on the computer. T-T  So I can't blog when she's not home, even if she's okay with it.  Dangit...I'll have to ask her for a set blogging time every Wednesday.  Sorry, guys.  Until the next time I get to post....G-star out, and a happy New Year.