November 30, 2013

Mini-Ramble: Chapter 1 (Another Kooky Dream/It Was Mine First!)

     Hello, all.  G-star here.  I had another strange dream a couple nights ago; some parts of it were clear as real life, but others I hardly remember, so I'll just say what I can.  From what I gathered, it was about a camp for young superpowered individuals.  I'm really not sure what my power was, but I distinctly remember flying at one point.  I was also wearing my fluffy pink Cheshire Cat hat during most of the dream.  Anyway, the whole place was sort of...well, you know those play structures at McDonalds or Papa's Pizza?  It was kinda like one of those.  The first part of the dream was spent fighting random supervillains.  That part wasn't very clear, but I do recall fighting a guy who kind of looked like a Haunter and another guy who seemed to be wearing a diving suit.  One of the old ones with the big helmet.  (If my writing seems a bit monotone, which even I'm catching, that's because I don't normally post this early in the morning without sugar in my system.  Yes, 11:30 is early for me.)  I saw one of my friends from youth group (a lot of them were there, actually) but for some reason I couldn't remember his name, so I just blushed and turned away.  Next thing I knew I was asleep, and having the oddest dream -- within a dream.  (First time I've had one of those.)  I was some sort of sheep, and I was trying to escape from my captors.  I found two tunnels, one leading down and one leading up, and I got this weird idea in my head of "hey!  I can get away if I go into the one they don't want to follow me into!"  So I went down, and, after falling off a dilapidated minecart track thing into lava, was suddenly transported into this white room with two...erm...I think they were elves.  Anyway, they told me that the choices I had made in my dream-within-a-dream showed whether I was going to Heaven or Hell, and that I was going to Heaven.  That in itself was weird, but then I jolted awake into my other dream (the one with the superheroes), still wearing my cat hat, and suddenly this guy on the bunk above mine was grabbing my head.  Some sort of authority said that we were paired for a project, and that he was being protective, so I tried to smile in gratefulness but in all honesty was just freaking out.  Soon enough we were trying to make tea outside someone's garage from a book of magic.  My "partner" was a taller boy with close-cropped brown hair and wearing a unitard printed with scales.  In a way, he looked like a boy I used to know, and he was, I have to admit, kind of cute.  In any case, the front door of the house belonging to the garage we were next to opened and a boy with horns and dragon wings was pushed out by a teacher, protesting that he didn't know he was a drake, it just happened.  (I find it odd that every relatively clear dream I've had lately involves someone being part-dragon.)  Then these red, smoldering lines traced over the garage door, which bulged out, then went back to normal, glittering.  The snake-scale boy looked at it at awe and said "that was beautiful," to which I responded, for some odd reason, "magic".  Then I woke up.  Odd, isn't it?
     And that was my dream.  Yes, I actually have something relevant to talk about as well.  Yesterday I heard a song called "Chocolate" on the radio (you might've heard it; if not, you should) and it annoyed me beyond belief.  You see, I had found that song for free on iTunes a few months ago and downloaded it, and it was my favorite song for a while.  But then it showed up on the radio and now it's a million other peoples' favorite song!  I need to add to my list of things that bug me "people stealing my favorite songs".  It makes the fact that it's also my favorite song cliche, since a ton of other people like it as well, simply because it's played a lot on the radio.  This happened with another song I found as well, "Wings" by Little Mix, except in a slightly different way.  I was watching TV with my mom (that seems to be the only time I ever watch TV) when this trailer for a blechy-looking R-rated movie came on, and in the background they were playing, of all things, "Wings".  Now whenever I sing that song people will say "oh, that's the song from that movie trailer!"  NO!  I HAD IT FIRST!  MC had this problem too, once.  She found a song called "Pompeii" by Bastille for free on iTunes once (she checks it regularly) and she showed me.  We both loved it, and I think it was MC's favorite song for a good while.  Then, about two months ago, I heard it on the radio and immediately told MC.  I think she was okay with it, but I was ticked.  Yes, I should add that to my "things that bug me" list.  "When I find an obscure song/band that I love, and it's mine, and it's special, AND THEN THEY PLAY IT ON THE RADIO."
     Sorry, I've been rambling on for paragraphs, and you've been waiting to read my story; that is the title of this post, after all.  Here you are.  Enjoy, and I'll see you Wednesday.  For now, G-star out.

Chapter 1 -- Sensei

On the other hand, Brenton, a tall, equally muscular guy whose brown hair could only realistically exist in an anime (Zane thought he used too much gel), looked perpetually angry, and didn’t even bother to shake Zane’s hand.  “Brenton Gilmore,” he mumbled, and walked over to a sandbag, nearly blowing it apart with his first angry blow.  

November 27, 2013

DON'T TOUCH THE WAAAAAAAALL ("Fitz-Simmons" Liars, Perhaps).

     Hello, all.  G-star here, slightly annoyed (as I have been for quite a while now) at the fact that Blogger doesn't seem to acknowledge that tab = paragraph indent key, along with several other websites.  Nnn.  Blatant disrespect for obvious writing rules like that one on the internet just bug me.  Just like people putting an apostrophe in a possessive "its" on, of all things, a writing website!!!  Not only that, but incorrect uses of "to" and "too".  Gosh, if you're going to write, do it right... (pun not intended.)
     Anyway, after ranting about laws of writing, let's get to the actual subject of this post, which, to be honest, isn't really anything in particular.  The one thing I've been wanting to talk about is something I watched with my parents a few days ago; I walked into the room and they were playing some sort of action movie, so I sat down, interested.  Within five minutes (of movie, not counting commercials) of me getting there, three people died in violent, horrible, extremely morbid deaths.  You know those horror movies where you can see the murderer around the corner, but the character can't, and you're shouting like a madman at the TV, "DON'T GO IN THERE!!!  HE'S RIGHT TH...NOOOOO!!!"  (I probably shouldn't have talked about horror films, now I'm afraid there's a guy with a knife behind me. -_-)  Well, this was the same thing.  The characters were in this office building that kept being struck by lightning while at the same time being chased by this really bad CGI ball of pink electricity, and the buff, handsome, evidently genius main action guy was telling everyone not to touch the walls or railing of the staircase, because if they did, they'd be electrocuted, but it was really tight, and this one lady kept sort of stumbling toward the wall, so you just knew something bad was going to happen, and I was yelling "Stupid!  Stop tripping!  BE CAREFUL MORON!!!"  (Dag, that was a REALLY long sentence.)  ...Then the lady fell down the stairs, got electrocuted, and when another guy, noticing she was still breathing, tried to help her, he died too.  It was HORRID.  At that point my parents gave up on it and when they went to the guide to turn something else on, I noticed the name of the movie was "Ice Twister", and the description said that it was about some scientist guy who somehow puts shards of ice into a tornado.  That had absolutely NOTHING  to do with the movie.  I don't know why they even try.  Oh, remember how I mentioned the "really bad CGI ball of pink electricity"?  Well, I wasn't kidding.  It was pathetic how bad the special effects were.  The ball wobbled around with the camera instead of with the background, so the fact that it was edited in was plain for all to see, not that anyone would want to.
     Speaking of horror, I was watching Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. again last night.  This one was akin to a scary movie, as it was about a girl the team was keeping in the plane who was being haunted.  This guy with a monkey wrench kept appearing and disappearing before and after beating people up and/or locking them in closets.  He took out the power, but the lights kept flickering, and when the lights would be on you'd see him in a doorway, then they'd flicker and he'd be gone.  It was almost like Slenderman the way he disappeared.
     This doesn't have to do with the ghost guy, but it does have to do with the show.  I believe on one of my "culture updates" (they're beginning to have less to do with manga and more to do with stories in general, so I'm going to call them that instead) I talked about how much I love the fact that Fitz and Simmons seem more like siblings than coworkers.  Well, recently I've noticed a lot of the other characters referring to them as "Fitz-Simmons" like they're one person, and I think that's funny.  That's just me, though, and just because they're my favorite characters. ._.
     I just went web-surfing and discovered that someone made a fan video of the amazing tech duo's origins, appropriately named "Fitz-Simmons".  Apparently they had the idea in May, which I don't understand since the series started this fall.  (What...?)  Anyway, they said they were going to have it out by early summer (again, don't understand the timing) but I did a little searching (when I say a little, I mean five minute's worth) and I couldn't find the video itself anywhere, even though they had a Kickstarter for it and everything.  (*nose randomly explodes*  Guh...sorry, someone must be talking about me.)  Needless to say, it's a little concerning, not to mention disappointing.  (Speaking of noses, mine has been hurting on one side [on the outside] whenever I touch or accidentally press on it.  There's a sort of lump...maybe I was stung by a bee or something, although I think I would've noticed.)  Anyway, I'll see what I can find out about that video, but until Saturday, this is G-star, signing out.

Have any of you seen FLCL (Fooly Cooly)?  If so, is it good?  The club I introduced a while back reeeeaaally wants me to watch it.  Apparently they've all seen it several times.  Also, the way this country is going by way of education, I'm a little concerned that most kids my age may not even know what P.S. means.  Put a comment below with the definition if you know, but NO GOOGLING.  Yes, I already know, I just want to know if you do.

November 23, 2013

Mini-Ramble: Chapter 1 (Offensive Referrals).

     Hello, all.  For the first time in several weeks, I've actually remembered to post this on Saturday!  And, though it's too late for this now, I have something to talk about.  I was watching "Oprah: Where are They Now?" last night with my mom (for the simple reason of her bed is comfortable and that's what she had on) and I saw two very interesting commercials.  First, you know those toilet paper commercials where they take one of theirs and one of the "nameless competitor's", get them wet, put a roll of quarters on them, and drag them across a table to show which one's stronger?  Well, I always thought that not naming the product you're better than was sort of an unwritten rule of advertising, but that seems to be changing.  There was a commercial for the new Window's Tablet and, at the end of the commercial, the actor specifically said "it's better than an iPad." (Quote not exact.)  If my life were a cartoon, I would've paused it right there, turned toward the camera, and said "Woah, woah, woah, did he just say what I think he said??  Did he just diss Apple??"  About twenty minutes later there was an ad for a truck (forgot the brand) where, after getting inside the truck that magically seemed to block out the noise of the neighboring busy interstate, said "It's so much better than those other brands like, say, Ram and Ford."  (Again, quote not exact.)  That last sentence was completely unnecessary, but they still had to name off brand names they're better than (or think they are).  It's a sad day for the advertisement industry.  Anyway, here's the next part of the story.  I'll see you on Wednesday.  Until then, G-star out.

Chapter 1 -- Sensei

He was greeted by the sight of two boys practice fighting on a gymnastics mat.  The woman was standing in the corner by the mat, correcting the boys’ stances every so often.  “Adam!  Raise your arms higher when you punch!  Brenton, you need to watch for his attacks, not stand there waiting for them to hit you in the face!  I can’t afford another hospital bill because you weren't paying attention.”  When the battle ended with Brenton on the floor and Adam with his foot on Brenton’s chest in triumph (the boy got the feeling that this had happened many times before), the woman clapped her hands, causing everyone’s heads to snap towards her.  “We have a new student today.  Adam, Brenton, say hello to Zane Hart.  And make sure you have his attention before bothering to say anything,” She said, rolling her eyes and beginning to roll up the mat.  Adam came over to Zane while Brenton stood up, grumbling and brushing himself off.  “Nice to meet you.  I’m Adam Smith,” he said, shaking Zane’s hand.  He was thickset in a muscular kind of way and tan, with wavy black hair.  He sort of emanated a friendly vibe, hippy-wise, and Zane liked him.

November 20, 2013

A Ton of Stuff You SHOULDN'T READ (As I Argue With My Conscience).

     Hello, all.  G-star here.
     Even though I tried my hardest not to use up anything I had to talk about, I still don't know what to write.  Nothing interesting has happened the past week aside from a lot of large assignments to do over Thanksgiving break.
     Simply put, I still need a social life.  Help me.  (Help yourself!  Go talk to people!  No wonder MC calls you anti-social.)
     I guess one vaguely relevant thing has happened...whenever I go to the library I check out a few audiobooks to listen to in bed before I go to sleep, and I recently found one interesting-sounding "authorized sequel" to the original Peter Pan story called Peter Pan in Scarlet.  I was a little confused at first because I've read a lot of "Peter and the Starcatchers" books lately and the characters, strangely enough, are completely different.  Anyway, I thought it would be a nice, refreshing return to Wendy, John, Michael, and the Lost Boys and their adventures in Neverland.  NOPE.  As soon as the kids (I guess you could call them that) got there, the book described the creepy fog and stuff all over the island.  Soon one of them found a bunch of mermaid skeletons.  MERMAID.  SKELETONS.  I caught on there that something was off about this so-called "sequel", but, oh, it got even worse from there.  About fifteen minutes later, the whole group got together to observe...of all things....the corpse (well, I guess more like a skeleton at that point) of the ticking crocodile that plagued Hook for all those years.  That's HORRIBLE!!  Immediately afterward they were attacked by man-eating lions, mad bears, and talked to by this guy I'm SURE was a demon.  Needless to say, I turned the audiobook off after that.  Why the heck would that be in the children's section of a library (where I get my audiobooks), much less be read to a bunch of children in a hospital?!  That was the most morbid fairytale I ever heard!  Gosh, that's simply psychotic....  (Why did you tell all that to a general audience that may include children?  Idiot.  Now you'll be sued.)  They can't sue minors.  Can they?  (Well, there was the girl whose cat killed a squirrel.  She was sued.)  Dangit.
     Good, I got that out of my system.  Now, to talk about manga.  Ha!  (, I don't know why that's funny either.)  Yesterday I started reading Naruto, for the simple reason of it being the longest series present at my school library.  I really wasn't very interested beforehand because, at risk of sounding biased, I don't like reading popular manga.  (A brother of a friend whom I told this to said there was a name for it...I've forgotten, though.)  If you've been keeping up with my blog you'll understand that I prefer to avoid being cliche, and this will make sense.  If not, go read the rest of my blog.  Now.  Anyway, I'm not allowed to read graphic novels rated Older Teen (16+) for obvious reasons.  (At least I hope they are.  How old do you think I am, 18?)  The thing is, the Asian seem to have a different sense of what's appropriate for different age groups than Americans. (they do, right?  If not, I'm concerned for our nation's ethics system.)  Remember that Korean comic I mentioned I was reading, Very! Very! Sweet?  Well, that's teen-rated, yet has a ton of unnecessary cussing (I think I may have said this before).  Naruto, though without cussing, is dirty in another way.  In the first volume it showed a nearly naked woman.  Needless to say this manga is not recommended for children (especially boys) thirteen or younger.  (Great, now they're all going to want to read it.  Why did you mention this at all?)  I write what I write.  Go away.  In fact, burn it!  Burn it all!!!  (She says as she's reading volume 2.)  That's because it's still...entertaining, though....  Well, that was only in the first volume, and it has a cool plot...I'll update you if it gets any worse, though.  (Hypocrit.)  Interrupter.  Well, I'll see you on Saturday, but until then, G-star out.  (Yeah, go read more of the manga you just told everyone to avoid.  Niiiice.)

November 17, 2013

Mini-Ramble: Chapter 1 (A Day Late; My Apologies)

  Hello, all. G-star here, posting the next paragraph a day late. I'm sorry; I was on yesterday, but I spent the whole time filling out a character form for a roleplay (I'm very proud of how he turned out, though, so no regrets). This is unrelated, but I got another question about my "accidental haircut" this morning. A boy in my youth group whom I haven't seen in while had this conversation with me: Boy- "Didn't you use to have long hair?" Me- "Yes..." Boy- "Why'd you get it all cut off?" Me- "Because I wanted to..." Boy- "Are you going to grow it out again?" Me- "No, probably not, I like this style..." Apparently most guys I know thought that my hair looked better longer...or maybe they just got so used to it that now they think someone forced me to cut it all off. I don't understand why, I think my hair looks better now than it did before...anyway, here's the next part of my story.

Chapter 1 -- Sensei

He stared at her blankly for a moment before the woman rapped smartly on his skull.  “Hello?  Anyone home?”  The boy blinked and rubbed his head, then put his fist against his opposite palm, fingers pointing skyward and bent his waist in a traditional Chinese bow.  “Oh, sorry...I’m here to redeem a certificate for one free lesson,” he said, moving back into a casual position and looking around.  “This is the Four Fires Dojo, correct?”  The woman nodded and held out a hand, which the boy stared at blankly.  “You’re good at that, aren’t you?”  The woman asked, and the boy kept staring at her.  “What?”  He said, shrugging.  The woman rolled her eyes and said “Just give it to me.”  Receiving another empty stare, she thrust her hand out further, causing the boy to flinch.  “The signup sheet!  With your information!  Don’t tell me you simply wandered here by accident…”  Realizing what she meant, he hurriedly pulled a folded piece of paper out of his jeans pocket and relinquished it to the woman, who looked it over and nodded in satisfaction.  “Alright, come in.  The lesson starts in a few minutes.”  After opening the door wider, she disappeared inside with the boy following surprisingly promptly behind.  

November 13, 2013

I Think That Square-Shaped Blob Above Nevada is....Alaska (Don't Do This At Home/Public Rambling)?

     Hello, all.  G-star here...realizing that it probably would've made things easier for everyone if I had just waited a day to talk about my weird dream.  Because now I have nothing to talk about...or do I?  (I'm just confusing myself.  This Quicken program I'm using in BC does nothing to help the matter.)  Let me see...oh!  I think I might have something.
     Firstly, to introduce this random topic, how knowledgeable should a teacher be in their subject?  Should they have a college degree?  Had all A+'s in high school in their subject?  Well, I don't know about that, but I think they should at least be able to spell a word essential to their specialty....  Yes, I'm going somewhere with this, be patient.  My health teacher was giving a lecture (well, sort of) and was writing on the board while he did so.  I'm a grammar/spelling Nazi (as MC well knows; I am her editor, after all) and I was watching his writing carefully, when he spelled "hygiene" wrong (like "hygene" -.-).  He also spelled "tetanus" wrong (without the "a").  I feel I should be concerned, especially since he's an IHS (International High School) teacher.  I originally thought IHS would just be a really advanced version of high school, but it turns out that it's no such thing (at least not yet); instead, we just learn about what we normally would, except about other countries more than ours.  Of course, in Geography, it doesn't make a difference, as I bet they're studying other countries in the regular geography classes as well.  It actually sort of annoys me that we're not studying America's geography, as I never did that to begin with.  All through middle school, we studied the Middle East, and that was it.  Even in American History, we didn't do any maps (or even capitals).  Heck, I can't even name all the states, much less all fifty capitals!  Apparently, in 4th grade at that school (the year before I started attending), they spend the whole year studying American history and geography.  The class does state reports and everything.  The closest I've gotten to learning the states was when I was home schooled (sometime in 3rd or 4th grade, I think) when we spent maybe a week learning about the states, one at a time.  Neither my brother nor I could focus, though, so we stopped after Alaska (they were alphabetized).  So I know maybe four state capitals, but that's my limit.  I think during Thanksgiving break I may do some personal study, because, if I want to get a college scholarship, they're going to expect me to be able point out North Dakota on a map.
    I just spent a giant paragraph ranting about how I'm completely useless in American geography.  (Well, no dur, Captain Obvious. -3-) Even I think that was boring.  I'm sorry.  I'll try to do better.
     Speaking of talking aimlessly, in IHS Health we're working on public speaking.  At first I thought that was completely un-health-related, but apparently the topic on the twenty-minute speeches we'll be writing (at least, I think that's how long they're supposed to be; I passed out when the teacher said "twenty minutes") will have to do with what we've been learning recently -- that would be vaccines and antibiotics -- or simply be something health-related.  The only one I can think of that's even slightly interesting-sounding to me is "why anime limits are completely unrealistic and you should never try those situations at home".  I'm going to ask the teacher, but he'll probably say no.  It'd be fun, though...I was going to use Hayate the Combat Butler as examples; it would work well, considering how much Hayate can withstand.  He would be the "don't do this at home, kids" guy who ends up in the hospital.  Thing is, it's supposed to be a formal speech, and I don't think talking like I'm writing a blog is very formal...oh well.  I'll try.  I'm sorry I never posted the next part of my story on Saturday; it never crossed my mind in the midst of the excitement on going to the library.  Maybe sometime I'll talk about my library trips...they're definitely more interesting than geography.  Until Saturday, G-star out.

November 12, 2013

Mini-Ramble: Dreams are Directly Related to Reality (If it's a Nightmare, Get Some Help).

     Hello, all.  G-star here.  I know it's Tuesday, and that normally a Mini-Ramble could wait until tomorrow, (wait, it is Tuesday, right?) but I had the oddest (and most realistic) dream last night, and I wanted to write it down before I forgot.  This is unrelated, but the post title is strange, isn't it?  Gonen'nasai.  I've been reading too much Hayate the Combat Butler lately, and the names of the episodes seem to be based off of popular Japanese sayings, so I thought I'd do something similar with a saying I made up (no, that is not a quote from Plato, I know, it's so deep it's difficult to believe -_-).  Thing is, since I'm not Japanese, for the longest time I had trouble correlating each title with the actual topic of the episode (I had this same problem with Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei), but I think I'm beginning to understand them now.
     (There was something else unrelated I wanted to mention, but I've forgotten....)  Now to the point of this entry; my dream.  It really was the strangest thing; the earliest part I remember was where my dad and I were at the mall (specifically in a clothing store) and this weird guy was pulling out a bunch of clothes for me to try on.  For some reason all the outfits he picked were boys' clothes (but they still looked good on me; I look like a guy anyway, so I guess it just worked), and, even though my dad kept protesting and telling him I was a girl, he kept doing it...  (I went to the movies last night with my dad, so that part makes sense, and I was writing a story yesterday where I was mixed up for a boy, so that makes sense too, but what was with the creepy guy...?  Well, there WAS a similar character in an audiobook I was listening to, so...maybe?...)  Eventually we got away, and the first thing I remember after that was yelling in some guy's face...and I was breathing fire.  (Yeah, like the creepy guy dressing me up like a doll wasn't enough.)  It was actually kinda cool, actually.  Next thing I knew, I had cool scaly wings (still breathing fire here; my guess is I was turning into a dragon girl.  Isn't there a movie like that [Dragonborn]?) and was wearing goggles for some reason (it looked weird with glasses -_-), and I was fighting off Garfield lookalikes with two friends from school, Perk and Lee (nicknames, of course).  Then I was suddenly at my youth group (or somewhere similar), and when I went to say hi to the worship team (still a dragon, by the way), one of the girl singers, the one I'm the least close to, gave me a cold look and sarcastically said "Thanks, Sara," and slammed the door shut (they were meeting in one of the side rooms).  My best guess is she was mad at the fact that I didn't do worship anymore; I tried to protest, telling her that I never got an email, but the door wouldn't open.  I went and cried under a table, and Perk showed up to comfort me.  I woke up sometime around then, but the whole dream I had wings, fire breath, goggles, and, possibly, horns.
     It sounded cooler in my head.
     So now I'm considering doing a comic about that...with the weird guy at the beginning being the cause of me growing wings (not to mention breathing fire).  Hey, it could be fun.  Sorry for wasting your time, but this entry did have one important function: now I can talk more about Perk and Lee, the comedy duo (at least I think so) from my school!  Though I don't know if that was worth three giant paragraphs.  Anyway, until tomorrow, G-star out.

November 6, 2013

This is Nonsense, But Video Games Come Up the Most (Smores are Delicious).

     Hello, all.  G-star here, with not much to talk about...  Well, firstly, here's a shoutout (no, I don't know what that is) to my friend Bianca (AKA Smore) at!  I haven't checked it out yet (she won't let me open the page at school -3-) but you should!  I bet it's great!  Other than that, I don't know what to say.  Well, in that unofficial club I mentioned a few posts ago, we've finally decided what we're doing.  We've decided to make a video game; specifically, a dating sim.  We had two different versions; one where there's one protagonist and one main character, designed to make you like her.  The other was one customizable protagonist and a bunch of different main characters, each one with a different path should you choose them.  I think the latter would be too difficult, as it involves programming more paths and choices (not to mention characters), while the former would be simple and fun.  I made a survey and I'll edit this post and insert the link as soon as I can access it.  (Which I can't from the school computers.)  Anyway, so far my idea has been outvoted 8 to 2, but I think it has a better chance than the more complicated one.  Once the survey is up, please vote!  It's only one question; I'm sure you can find the time.  Please, blow their overconfidence in our collective abilities out of the water.
     Speaking of video games, my little brother bought a paintball Wii game.  (I didn't even know they had those.)  As he was taking the tutorial he could shoot the guide character in the face without it saying anything.  That's one resilient NPC.  Yes, I know, that was completely pointless, not to mention irrelevant.
     I'll see if I can talk about something more interesting.  Lessee... that book MC and I were working on maybe three months ago is finally being continued.  FINALLY.  I had written the second chapter and was waiting for her to continue the story, because I couldn't do anything more without her character doing something, but she took forever getting to Google Drive.  But now chapter three is on its way to being completed, so everything's okay!  And now I'm out of things to talk about again.
     UURRRGH.  This is like the problem I had with another blog website I attempted,  It was a complete and utter fail, mostly because I couldn't advertise it anywhere.  The biggest website I had presence on had a nasty habit of changing any link you posted to connect to said big website, so you couldn't advertise other websites.  The problem was, even worse than the fact I had no visitors, was that I needed comments to run the site.  People were supposed to comment with ideas about what the next entry would be on, and I would comply with my opinions.  Needless to say, it died after a week, though it is still active.  Comment on the latest post and I'll see if I can bring it back to life.
     This has to be the worst blog entry I've EVER written.  Normally, the night before I come up with a topic and outline for the next day's post but I fell asleep fairly quickly last night, and it doesn't help that hardly anything happened this week.  Seriously, all the things I just talked about were the most interesting happenings this week.  That seriously sucked.  In apology I'll do an update on my most recent reads.  Until Saturday, G-star out.  Gonen'nasai.

Recent Manga/Book/TV Update
Ouran Host Club (Bisco Hatori)- I actually watched the entire anime two months ago, but I'll count this as a recent read because I only just started reading the manga version, starting with volume 15 (I think?).  It's just as amazing as the anime, though the art is very different.  I've already read some of her series Millenium Snow, and that was definitely amazing, but this is even better.  Volume 16 contained a short story about when Haruhi's mother and father it messed up that I'm now hopelessly obsessed now over Haruhi's father (pre-crossdress) and that I relate to her mother about how amazingly adorable he is?  ......
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.- I just love Fitz and Simmons.  LOVE LOVE LOVE XXX OOO {3{3.  Fitz is the best, of course, but the sibling-like duo's relationship is just so fun to watch!  The most recent episode was all about them, and I was sobbing like a small child when her goldfish dies when Simmons was about to die.  Ayaw........

November 2, 2013

Mini-Ramble: Chapter 1 (Last-Minute Blogging)

     Hahah....I was on the computer for a good five hours and yet I completely forgot to post.  I'm sorry.  I need to get off in a sec, so I'll cut to the chase.

Chapter 1 -- Sensei (Par. 2)
A tall, slim boy stood in front of the dirty glass door, rocking back and forth on his heels as he nervously ran his hand through his spiky blonde hair.  The building before him resembled nothing more than a warehouse, its only means of identification being a poster glued up on the wall, announcing in faded letters that it was the home of the “Four Fires Fighting School Dojo”.  The boy knocked on the rusty metal door, and after waiting a few tense moments, he turned to leave, but was stopped in his tracks by the sound of creaking hinges.  Looking behind him, he found himself staring into the weather-worn face of a middle-aged woman in a plain white yukata.  Her wispy brown hair framed a face that seemed wiser than its years.