October 31, 2013

Mini-Ramble: I Am the One Hiding Under Your Bed -v- (7r|ck-0|9-|_337ing)

     Hello, all, G-star here, and a happy Halloween to you all.  I don't really know what I'm going to say here, I just wanted to acknowledge the fact that it's all hallows' eve.  The title of this post, by the way, is from the song "This is Halloween", which I'm listening to right now.  (I prefer the version by Panic! At the Disco.)  Most people would just think this is weird, but I felt it appropriate to listen to any and every song I could think of that has the word "monster" in it or is about Halloween.  Those would be "Monster" by Skillet, "Calling All the Monsters" from A.N.T. Farm, the "Addams Family" theme, and, of course, "This is Halloween". 
     I'll see if I can find any more, but for now, what about trick-or-treating?  I know, I'm a freshman in high school, but I'm still planning on going trick-or-treating tonight with an old friend: who remembers Red, whom I went sandboarding with this past summer??  Well, for those who do, she's coming with me tonight (I hate trick-or-treating alone '^').  Every year I get freaked out by all the scary costumes and haunted houses, especially the ones of zombies, which, for future reference, are, in my opinion, the scariest things EVER (write that down; there will be a test).  I wonder how long it takes for people to set up those super-complicated haunted houses in their front yards, garages, etc.?  In that way, Halloween is like Christmas; a time for techies to show of how l33t they are with flashing light displays, simulated haunted houses, and motion-sensor automatons.  Yeah... 7r|ck-0|9-|_337ing!  I like that.  (Can you even read that?)  As soon as I understand programming, I'm making the scariest haunted house ever!  Then they'll pay...they'll all pay...ESPECIALLY YOU, MISS CAPPUCCINO!!!!  (Won't just putting it together scare me half to death? -_-') 
    Speaking of costumes (a little late for that, huh?), I'm being Little (oh, hardy-har) Red Riding Hood.  Originally I was going to be the Cheshire Cat (I was the White Rabbit last year, and I have a striped cat hat and tail), but when I was putting it together I realized it looked like something I would wear normally.  That says something for my fashion sense.  Anyway, I went out to several thrift shops with my mom, and this is what I found: my first pick was an awesome geisha outfit (like the girl Lau always has with him), but it was shot down. u.u  Yeah, it had a relatively short skirt, but it was for a woman and on me it would be longer... *sigh* Anyway, my second pick was an angel, but I couldn't find a good white dress or cool wings.  So, as I had already discovered an awesome red cloak and gloves, I went with my third choice: Red Riding Hood.  And it's not half bad.  I'm wearing the cloak now with a red tee, a simpler version of the costume that I'm wearing to school.  Yes, we're allowed to wear our costumes to school today.  So far I've seen a devil, a nun, an apocalyptic prophet, Olive from Popeye, a Mickey Mouse fanatic, Dorothy, and an evil gnome.  Oh, and then there are the lazy people who just wore cat or rabbit ears (namely MC -.-). 
     Probably the best part of today is the fact that, so far, I have absolutely no homework!  *cheer*  In geometry it's because we have a test tomorrow, in French it's because we had a test today and she let us do the hw when we finished, and...actually, I'm not positive about business, because it's not over yet, and we still may get some.  Hope not...
     Haha...I just wrote a blog longer than my weekly update all about Halloween.  (Stating the obvious.)  It would have been longer had I started talking about the history of the holiday and the religious aspects.  Be grateful I didn't.  What did you dress up as?  Well, in any case, until Saturday, G-star out.  Oh, and remember to check under your bed before you turn out the light.-vv-

I just finished the Black Butler series (both seasons one and two) and it was very upsetting.  So this is a dedication picture, as well as for your enjoyment.

...and this is for MC.

And this one...is all me.  I'm sorry there are so many pictures; I couldn't help it.

October 30, 2013

Click Update, Got t3h Power (Stupid Parasites/BC Commentary)!

     Hello, all.  G-star here, frustrated and itchy.  Frustrated because I've been sitting outside the school library for half an hour, waiting for someone to unlock it so I could check out a book and start this week's entry.  (The same thing happened last week; Wednesdays are late starts so I come early to watch anime and start blogging, but it always ends up opening at a stupid late time.  Even now, I only have five minutes to type.)  Itchy because, as is every fall here, this is the season of mosquitoes, and those parasitic little vampires seem to love the taste of my blood.  I have bites all over the place, on my arms, my face, my back (I don't even), and they take weeks to go away.  It's worse when I forget about them, because then I scratch at them absently, remember they're there, but by then it's too late; they itch even more.  I'm sorry, I just spent a good paragraph complaining about trivial things.  Some interesting (good interesting) things have happened this past week.  Firstly, (and this happened a couple weeks ago; it's just that it's only now relevant,) I recently saw a poster hanging on the cork strip serving as the bulletin board that goes down one of the hallways.  (Not that seeing a poster there is weird, but...)  It said "Please don't cut yourself today.  I love you. -- Jesus".  I thought that that was really sweet and a testament to the Christian belief that someone would put that up.  I'm mentioning this now because, yesterday, I saw a girl with a bright red t-shirt that said "Keep Calm, Jesus Loves You".  These are brave people to express their love for God in a public high school.
     I wonder, have your missed (or noticed, for that matter) the business class running commentary?  Yeah, I know, I stopped after the first one, but that's because my seat was moved.  It wasn't even official; one day, a boy was sitting in my seat and told me that I moved across the aisle.  It was pretty obvious that he was just sitting there so he could talk with his friend (who sat next to me), but I didn't complain.  In fact, my life is pretty blissful now.  No more T-dog trying to copy my homework, no more Ginger insulting me with dirty words, just pure, unlimited focus...which I use, of course, to write my blog entries.  (Maybe I should use it to focus on the business curriculum instead?)
     Once again, I've gone off on a tangent (and an irrelevant one, at that).  I'm sorry.  At this point, I'm just trying to make this post as long as possible before I start to complain about the fact that no one but MC has posted on the forums I spent a week working on.  Oops.  Anyway, at least check them out, please!!!  (I feel this will not help any, as all my requests for comments were completely ignored as well. T-T)
     One thing I wanted to start this week is a regular update on the manga I'm reading.  It would be monthly, as that's about the same frequency as my visits to the library (I wish they were more often), and I would only talk about manga I've begun to read recently.  If I talked about my old favorites, I would never stop.  The first one will be in this post; I'll write them like lists and, once I accumulate enough, will make a separate page to organize them on.  (Speaking of which, I think I have an idea for how to organize the list page.  I'll try it as soon as I'm done with this.)  Other than that, until Saturday, this is G-star, signing out.

Recent Manga Update:
Loveless (Yun Koga)- I've been curious about this one for a while, and on my last visit to the local library, I checked out the volumes 1-2 omnibus and have been reading a chapter per night.  (It's incredibly difficult to keep from reading more, it's that good.)  The only thing is, about two chapters in, its well, "yaoi-ness" was revealed.  Since it has a teen rating, I seriously doubted that it would have yaoi content despite the cover illustration (which wasn't disgusting, just one guy character touching the others' face).  It appears I was wrong.  Also, the characters live in a world where, apparently, everyone has cat/dog ears and a tail...at least, until they lose their virginity, in which case the ears...fall off?  I'm not sure.  It hasn't shown that yet, and I hope it never will.  It has sparse cussing, not major words, but overall it has interesting characters and a good plot.  Even so, I'm glad I didn't buy it when I saw it at Barnes and Noble, or I may have gotten in trouble if my mother had seen it.  The writing and art is great, and one minor character in particular, Kio, has already grown on me. ^-^
Fairy Tail (Hiro Mashima)- I'll count this as a recent read, since I'm only 4 volumes in.  I've always liked fantasy stories, manga or otherwise, and this series does the genre pride.  I admit, the main character's outfit could be a bit more modest (heck, PLEASE MAKE IT MORE MODEST, HIRO-SAN!!) and there's one character who will randomly take off his shirt (and to think he's my favorite character. T-T  NO!  That's not the reason!), but there's good humor, great plots, extremely sparse cussing (and little words, too), and interesting characters.  I'm currently waiting with bated breath to check out volume 5.
Very! Very! Sweet (Jisang Shin and Geo)- A Korean manga (can I even call it manga?) about...well, I'm still trying to figure it out.  I'm on volume...3?  4?  I've forgotten, that's how little it matters in my life.  So far, I think it's about a boy from Japan who's forced to move to Korea, a Korean girl who's extremely frugal, her sister, the boy who rooms with them, and...their cats?  The characters cuss too often for a teen-rated comic, the characters all look the same (especially if it zooms in on their faces), and the plot throws me off.  And yet...I'm still reading it.  Why?  Well, I don't know.  Maybe that question will be answered if I read another volume....

October 26, 2013

Mini-Ramble: Chapter 1 (Still No Fan Art)

     Hello, all.  G-star here.  I don't have anything to talk about, so I'll just go straight to the excerpt...except...I'm sorry, but that picture I mentioned I'd put up two weeks ago is still not scanned.  I was going to post it today, but I was not allowed on the computer (at home, at least) today, and so I am typing this from MC's house.  (Thank you, MC.)  Her scanner does not work, so I'll see if I can scan it a little later today if I manage to get computer permission.  For now, though, settle for this.  It shall be torturous fun.  Until Wednesday, (or maybe later,) G-star out.

Chapter 1 -- Sensei
[Hello there.  In case you were wondering, I’m Zane Jacques Hart, and, yes, sorry to ruin the suspense, but that figure on the cliff edge was me.  I thought that sort of introduction might be dramatic, although I suppose that it’s also a bit too much.  But it got you interested, right?  Well, anyway, this is the story of how I came to be what I am, and when I say that, I mean how I became the sort of person who would have white hair and something to write a book about.  I bet you’re curious as to why I have white hair.  You see, it all started when I was just a lad...er, boy of 16...]

October 23, 2013

The Gender Rant/Stories of G-star the HeShe (Forums Are Up!/My "Accidental" Haircut).

     Hello, all.  G-star here.  I got my hair cut short (like, my blog background short [it used to be a bob, like in my Google+ avatar]) last Thursday (was it really only Thursday?  How the time flies).  I think it looks nice, though it takes a bit of hairspray and product to keep it so.  The thing is, I hate hair products of any type, because I think they make my hair greasy.  Soft, natural hair is better.  Anyway, a few minutes ago at my locker, a boy from the gaming club (all we do is play Super Smash Bros. Brawl) came over and noted that I had gotten a haircut.  After that, he immediately inquired "why did you let them cut it that short?"  ||-=-  What do you mean, "why did I let them?"  I ASKED them to... (or more like her) That's the whole point of haircuts, to get the style you want...  Needless to say, I don't think he like my haircut.  Or maybe he thought it made me look too much like a boy.  See, I have a naturally boyish face; my brother's Nintendo3DS took a picture of me and identified me as a young boy. o_o  I've actually been mistaken for a guy several times.  Once, when MC and I went to a movie, I decided to wear a boy tee advertising a school play I had been and a baseball cap (my hair had still been in a bob).  After the movie, when we were waiting for MC's mom to come pick us up, we were screwing around in the arcade (we didn't have any tokens, though).  This older teenage couple came in (this happened sometime this spring), played a few games, then left.  Before they did, though, they gave us their remaining tokens (maybe 8) and told us to have fun.  Later, MC and I laughed about and agreed, that by the way they were acting when they gave us the tokens (their faces cried "oh, that's so cute!") that they had mistaken us for a couple.  Well, I was wearing boys' clothing and all, but I thought it was funny beyond belief.  (Thinking back on it, though, it wasn't that funny, just a little weird.)  MC will probably be a little annoyed by me telling this story, but it was relevant, and, yes, kind of funny.  Also, more recently, (after I decided to start riding my bike to school) something a little similar happened.  I stopped at the corner of this big intersection right by my school, waiting for the light, when this random boy showed up (he was young; maybe middle school age?) and we just started chatting, since the light was taking forever.  Right before it turned green, though, and after the main conversation was over, he awkwardly said "I can't really pin down a gender....you are...?"  I was laughing about it all day.  I suppose it was understandable, though; that day I had been wearing a baggy hoodie I got in DC, and my hair had been short enough to pass for a boys'.  I still think it was funny, though, how, after a few minutes of chatting, he couldn't tell whether I was a guy or a girl.
     ...I just spent half the blog talking about my gender.  That was not intentional, I promise.  The haircut deal was originally going to be just a passing comment, but I guess I got more into it than I had meant to.  Now, to what you've all been waiting for: the forums are done!  (You have been waiting for that, right?)  I'll put up the page and link right after I'm done with this.  I hope you enjoy the various roleplays and chat areas!  Until Saturday, this is G-star, signing off.

*I'm sorry!!  Something screwed up and the majority of the blog was turned into coding!!  This entry will be a little late, as will the forum page.  Gonen'nasai.*

October 20, 2013

Mini-Ramble: Prologue (Stupid Fact of Time Machines Not Existing Yet v_v)

     Hello, all.  G-star here, with some annoying news.  Firstly, I'm sorry I wasn't able to post yesterday, but the computer was off-limits, no matter how much I begged and told Mom that I had a blog (and a reputation) to uphold.  Also, I didn't have time to scan the picture I finished recently (urrrgh) so I'll have to do that tomorrow.  It will be up soon, I promise.  And, lastly, the forums are not done yet.  *loud booing from readers*  GONEN'NASAI!!  I'm actually working on it as I write (don't ask how that's possible), but I only had about half an hour on the computer and that, sadly, was not enough time to finish putting up all the roleplay boards, not to mention all the chat/OOC categories.  I hope to have that finished by tomorrow as well.  For now, you'll have to settle for the prologue (aka first chapter) of that book I mentioned.  Remember...copyright.  Until Wednesday, G-star out.

    A tall, pale figure stood at the edge of a cliff, looking down on the crashing waves.  Large, glistening wings suddenly spread out behind it, intimidating away anything that might have been watching.  After it was assured that there wasn’t a living creature for miles around, it stepped off into the night and glided over the shimmering water.  The moon came out from behind a cloud to reveal a young man, wearing metal wings.  Stranger than this, however, was the fact that his shaggy bedhead was as white as the moon itself.

October 16, 2013

The Devil's Band Club (Trick-or-Treat Shopping List/Nothing Up Yet).

     Hello, all.  G-star here, with not much to talk about.  I suppose this is the downside of posting as often as I have lately.  Today was a half-day, where the freshmen spent two hours watching videos and taking notes, after which we sat through an hour-long seminar about college decisions...it's the second month of our freshman year.  WHY do we need to know that right now???  Anyway, I'll just apologize ahead of time.  I'm sorry.  For what, you may ask?  Well, I had planned to do two things in this entry: post a picture I finished a couple days ago and finish up some forums I'm setting up for this blog, neither of which has happened.  I kept putting off scanning the picture, and I don't understand coding, so I can't put the title on the forum. -.-||  So that may happen this weekend.  Again, gonen'nasai.  I guess the one major thing that's happened since my last post is that a boy in my IHS (International High School) group has started a...club?  Band?  Satanic cult?  One of those.  I'll keep the name confidential, but it's all the people in the group who can (and are willing to) do a certain handshake.  I won't go any further than that, except that we plan to have fruit punch at all our meetings.  ^=^  The thing is, it's private without invitation, but to use a classroom it needs to be an official club, and anyone can join an official club.  So Jeeves (my codename for the founder of the club) suggested the brilliant idea of making it an official club, but not putting up any posters or even talking about with our other friends.  It's like this weird "game" I keep hear about; if you think about the game, you lose.  If you know the reason for this thing's existence, please tell me.  One more thing; I'm working on my Halloween costume.  My last resort was a really lame Cheshire Cat costume, only for use if I couldn't find one.  I found this awesome Geisha costume at a thrift shop, but Mom said no... (the girl who's always following Lau from Black Butler is a geisha)  So now I'm in between an angel or Red Riding Hood, two classics.  I couldn't pick before, but now that I've done a little window shopping, I've found many more choices for RRH than an angel, and so I'm going with that, I think.  There's a red velvet cloak and these red sleeve-let things at Wal-Mart, so now I just need to find a red dress....that wasn't very interesting at all, was it?  More like a shopping list than a blog...gonen'nasai.  I'll have the forums and picture up by Saturday at the very latest, okay, everybody?  Well, then, see you Saturday.  G-star out.

October 14, 2013

Mini-Ramble: A Little Bit of Sentimental.

     Hello, all.  G-star here.  It's not often that I write two mini-rambles in one week (which is understandable, since I only started writing them at the beginning of the school year), but I thought this was blog-worthy.  I'm a nostalgic kind of gal. and there are some things I promised myself I'd do when I arrived at certain points in life.  Most of these things I forget about and later pout over missing, but this one in particular I wanted to talk about.  I'm a fan of Taylor Swift (mainly her lyrics, but her voice is decent too) and the first of her albums I found and fell in love with was Fearless.  The songs on that album hold more meaning for me than any of her other CDs, especially Fearless and Fifteen.  I decided sometime in 8th grade that I would sing Fifteen as I entered the school on the first day of high school.  Predictably, I forgot, but just now (yes, I'm still at school) I was listening to my mp3 player and that song came on.  Before I had planned on singing it just for fun, as a sort of background music, but now I realize just how much it actually fits in with my school life.  Therefore, I sang it at the top of my lungs in the empty classroom and on the way to my locker.  See you Wednesday, and be sure to listen for the songs in your life.  G-star out.

October 11, 2013

Mini (Not)-Ramble: Everything's New (Except My Old Story)!

     Hello, all.  G-star here, with a special mini-ramble!  The one club at school I've permanently dedicated myself to so far is the Battle of the Books club.  I just finished reading on of the BOB picks, Every Day by David Levithan, and I just had to write a review for it!  Of course, the part I REALLY want to rant about would be a gigantic spoiler, so I'll just have to fume silently...  Anyway, Every Day is about a.......heshe named A.  A doesn't have his/her own body, but "possesses" someone new every day, all around the same age in in the same area.  While possessing a boy named Justin A meets Justin's girlfriend, Rhiannon, and falls in love with her.  I can't really go further than that, but it's a great book and you should read it!!  Except, it has a really sucky ending....*sigh*  Wow, that was supposed to be most of the entry, but I guess it'll only be about half.  Yes, I have more; two more topics, to be specific.  Firstly, as this is the one I'm less likely to get off on a tangent on, I've been having trouble finding a decent roleplay website.  To quote what I said in my introduction on a recent attempt... "The first one I tried was overly addictive and took the characters/plot way too seriously. The second one (I'm not naming any names here, you'll notice) was extremely active and I had to visit it several times a day (which I can't) just to keep up with one thread. The third one, that I started just a few days ago, has some great stories, but the best ones are pretty much dead. In other words, I make a character but no one responds or okays it."  The new rp I tried recently is making things difficult as well, though this may have something to do with the fact that I never try to join a thread with more than fifteen posts so I can catch up easily.  The thing is, most of the roleplays I find that fit that criteria have so few replies because they died off early on, so no one accepts my character anyway.  It drives me nuts... 
     Next topic: I was looking for a picture I drew of the characters in a comic I had been working on, considering continuing it, when I found the first two pages of a story I wrote last year in school; not as a school project, just in my free time.  I re-read it and was surprised how much better it was than most of my other short stories.  It had even me hooked; and I wrote it!  So I decided to continue the story.  It's based off a roleplay I used to do and means a lot to me.  The thing is, though, that said roleplay was based off a tv show, but it got off-track.  I have to create new names and relationships, but fortunately, some of the characters never showed up and others didn't have the same personalities as the originals, so it probably won't be recognizable.  I'll be posting a paragraph of my book and one book review/suggestion (I read a lot, so I should be able to deal with that) every Saturday from here on out, so please enjoy, and remember, this website is copyrighted to Sara G., A.K.A. me, so don't repost it or claim it as your own...or I'll find you.  I know it's Friday, but I just really wanted to post today. 
     Wow, this was a lot longer than I intended...even longer than a regular post.  There was one more thing I wanted to talk about; something strange happened the other day and it brought an interesting thought to mind.  I'll tell you as soon as I can remember what it was.  For now, G-star out.  See you Wednesday.

October 9, 2013

Pro's Opinion, Upcoming (Bus. Class 2: The Nothing Chronicles).

     Hello, all.  G-star here, writing this up before school in the library on the most annoying keyboard EVER.  I've found a new roleplay website that I'm addicted to, although I don't know if it's better or worse than warriorcats.  The people on the roleplays I actually manage to join almost never post, which is good because I don't have to check every five minutes just to keep, but is also bad as I do that anyway out of impatience.  Let's see how this goes...  Anyway, to this week's activities.  Not too much has happened other than I finished a short essay for Lit. last night, and I have to finish a French menu and a colored map of Australia by tomorrow.  Crud.  And yes, I am wasting my time blogging instead of doing my homework.  How did you guess?  I'm such a horrible procrastinator...  I have Friday off (it's a teacher workday) and two pools in my area will be open for a "No School Swim Day".  Unfortunately, I hate swimming by myself, and MC, the only friend who'll come with me, usually gets out after 10 minutes, which kind of ruins the point of swimming (no offense, MC).  Oh!  This is completely unrelated, but it came to mind; my great-grandma has recently moved to town, and a man in her building is an artist.  He carves, paints, all sorts of stuff...but he's mostly blind.  (I don't know how he does it.)  According to both my great-grandma and my grandma (who was in town this weekend) he wants to see some of my art. *squuuueeeeeee*  A PROFESSIONAL ARTIST!  WANTS TO SEE MY STUFF!  Although I think my grandma may have exaggerated my skill a bit...  Apparently she told him how I put so much emotion in my character's eyes.  The thing is, a lot of the time their eyes are closed, because I'm lazy...  So I'm a tad worried.  Well, let's see how this goes.  I'm going to be done for now, and I'll come back in Business class to write my "running commentary".  G'bye for now.


     I'm back.  T-dog and his friends spend a surprisingly large amount of time looking at Duck stats (the football team, not the poultry).  Do they really change that often?  Right now, though, he's watching Holes (the movie) on Youtube.  Eee, that is SUCH a great movie!!  It's as good as the book, which I did a report on in 5th grade.  I love the part where a bunch of black-tongued lizards are crawling around on them.  I'm sorry, did I give something away?  Hehe.  Alrighty, I don't think much else is going to happen in an hour, so I'll just be done now.  Until next week (or possibly Saturday), G-star out.

October 2, 2013

Screw Japanese, I've Got Magic (Poke the Dog/Annoying List)!

     Hello, all.  G-star here, typing from Business class and wearing the bunny ears I bought for my Halloween costume last year.  T-dog (the boy in business who sits next to me) hates me for it.  Heheh.  Speaking of which, I got the class to call me "Cat" (have I mentioned this?  Gomen'nasai if I did) and since T-dog, originally "T-biscuit", seems to enjoy irritating me and copying off my answers, the class unanimously decided to call him T-dog.  There's your origin story.  The guy who sits next to T-dog wants me to say that he's hot.  Not that that's true or anything.  Back to the recap.  Not too much has happened this week, I don't think, except...last Friday the Minecraft club introduced me to the card game Magic, The Gathering (you've probably heard of it, but it's new to me) and it's pretty fun.  I plan on buying a deck soon.  Speaking of clubs, I have this nagging feeling that I've missed every Japanese club meeting since the introduction...enforced by the fact that the president of the club said they would put up new posters with the meeting times and the only new posters I've seen say the same thing as the originals.  So I guess it meets on Fridays at lunch...?  Oops.  Well, anyway, I don't have much else to say, so I should probably go.  I'll see about writing a list of things that drive me nuts when I get home, since they've been slowly accumulating, but for now you'll just have to wait and check in again after school.  I might start posting twice a week, as well, so I can post a list on Wednesday and a summary of the week on Saturdays?  What do you think?  Tell me in the comments or on my Google+ page.  For now, G-star out.

     Things That Really Annoy Me
  • People saying things like "you times/plus/minus this and this and you get..." [when talking about math] (Geez, how hard is it to just say SUBTRACT, ADD, AND MULTIPLY?!  Even my geometry teacher does this!!)
  • When people in chat rooms or in comments don't bother with capitalization, punctuation, or even grammar.  (Even the ones you can tell are somewhat mature don't know what prefixes and suffixes to put on a verb)
  • When a new song is on the radio and they just play it over, and over, and over, and over....
  • When a bunch of girls in a car do repetitive, pointless hand games THE ENTIRE TIME.  (Makes me want to become a serial killer....)
  • When the hallways are really crowded and everyone tries to stuff themselves through a doorway at once....
  • In Minecraft when I lag so much that I can't even move one block before lagging right back to where I was just standing.  (Although I guess that's a given...)
  • People spamming the comments on Youtube videos saying "THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID" or "YOUR MOM/FACE IS ____".
  • When I'm too distracted by really good Nightcore mixes to write a decent list or remember what I was originally going to write.  -_-  I'm sorry, I'll fix it once I recall the original points...