Okay, I only have half an hour and I would like to play Minecraft as well, so I'll try to write this quickly. Nothing much happened this last week, though, so it should be short anyway. Yesterday, I woke up to hear my little brother (he's 11) sobbing like the earth had just swallowed up our parents. When I came out, I found out that his fish, the only remaining albino shark in a huge tank of clownfish-type-things and a bunch of other who-knows-what, had died the previous night. This by itself was sad, but when I found out that my brother had discovered this fact by seeing his fish's tail protruding from the mouth of Buddy, my big black fish, I was horrified. Later, when he went to feed them (not that Buddy needed any feeding o-o) he found his albino shark's decapitated little body floating in the corner of the tank. GOD, THAT'S HORRIBLE!!! I think we're both traumatized. Mom tried to break it to him gently that his fish had probably gotten sick in the night, and, well, it's a fish-eat-fish world. Buddy had seen him as prey. Heck, I just think my fish is cannibalistic. T-T On a lighter note, we're going to a barbeque at the house of some family friends. My brother seems to have recovered and is hoping to bring his Nintendo and Pokémon cards there, as the daughter of the family is also a Pokémon fanatic. (Not saying I'm not, though... >->) Other than that, though, nothing really happened. I'll see you next week, hopefully with a treat (but only for those who comment!!). For now, though, this is Gstar, signing out.
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