Hello, everyone. Summer's almost over....ha..haaah......-^- I start on September tenth with an introductory half-day for freshman. The only things I'm looking forward to, really, about school are 1. the fact that Miss Cappuccino and a church friend will be freshmen with me, and 2. I'll (hopefully) be in the newspaper club. (Yaaay, journalism. -v-) I'm also back from my high school youth group "coast trip". If you ask me, it was more of a camping trip, though we did visit the beach and dunes a couple times... We did more over that one weekend than should be physically possible, so I'll only discuss the highlights, which, in my opinion, were the beach and my first ever game of Assassins. I apologize to those who've played Assassins before and already know the rules, you can just skip over this part... For those who haven't, it goes like this: everyone pulls a card from a regular deck of cards (but it can be personalized if wished). The card you draw must be kept secret. The people who drew Jacks are the assassins; they can go around and killing people by drawing their hands across their throats (like slitting their throats) and, if they wish, go hide them somewhere by putting their hands on the person's shoulder (they have to follow). Everyone else is a civilian, unable to kill. They're who the assassins kill. If someone finds the "body" of someone the assassin(s) killed, they yell "DEAD BODY!!" and everyone, assassins, dead bodies and all gather around it. The bodies lie in the center around the one that was found and everyone else votes on who they think one of the assassins is depending on what they saw or heard. The assassins can vote too, though, and sometimes they try to throw the civilians off. The person they pick is, as I like to call it, "voted off the island". He admits whether he's a civilian or assassin and goes to hang out with the dead people...I guess they hang him? Anyway, this goes on until either all the civilians are dead or all the assassins are found. (Okay, pros, you can start reading again.) Unfortunately for me, I died before the first vote.... -__-' I'm slow. I'm sorry. And I tripped.... Other than that, though, it was fun. Eventually us deadies got bored (the civs were SO SLOW!!!) and decided to go freak out the civs by chasing them. One made a break for it when he saw me while his buddies stood around laughing. It was funny... -v- Now for the beach. I spent more time than I thought I would jumping around in the water, but that may have been a bad-- no, horrible --idea, since I was wearing skinny jeans folded up (they wouldn't dry, and when I tried to roll them back down, they tore at my skin... T^T). That's pretty much all I have to say about that. The book (MC's and my "Dystopian Fantasy") is going well. The first chapter is incredibly long. And now it's my turn to write one... *sigh* I'm sorry, this is fun, but I enjoy editing more than writing. Mainly because I'm a perfectionist and I would spend hours fixing my own writing. MC and I are taking turns writing chapters, which are from the views of two of the main characters. She's writing one person, I'm doing the other. I can't help but wondering, though, if people are going to notice the extreme difference between our writing styles... Well, I've gone on longer than I should've. I hate to say this again, but please, comment and share! I enjoy blogging, but I'll have a lot less time on my hands, especially on Wednesdays, once school starts and I'd like to know for sure that people are actually reading my blog and not just glancing at the page and moving on! Gonen'nasai for that.... I'll see you next week. G-star out.
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