Hello, all. Not much happened last week, so this should be relatively short. One thing, though, is that my brother has not been having the best week. This Sunday my family went to a church picnic. It was all going well until my brother realized his sweater was gone. He had left it with some other people's stuff (why, I'll never know) and when they left both their stuff and his sweater disappeared. A couple days later he realized his glasses were gone too. Unlike me, he only wears them when he watches TV/movies or we go out somewhere, so they aren't as essential, but our parents are still freaking out. I wonder if he'll find them... *checks to see if he found them while she wasn't paying attention* Nope. Probably never. Alrighty then, since I have all this extra space, I think I'll write a list. A subject came to mind earlier that you might be interested in, but first, an update on MC's and my "Dystopian Fantasy". I've finished the first page of Chapter 2, and when we reviewed it, we were in awe of just how different our styles are. This is going to be...interesting. And as I was considering this, it occurred to me just how many different businesses and stories MC and I have tried to start... So far, our current book is the only one that's even barely succeeded, but here are some others, and how they went, for your enjoyment... Keep in mind, a lot of these were years ago. See you next week. G-star, signing off.
Assorted Occupations by Miss Cappuccino and Myself
Assorted Occupations by Miss Cappuccino and Myself
- Fashion designers (came up with some designs, but never made a real article of clothing)
- Band (found some songs, rehearsed them, then gave up)
- Hair accessory makers (drew a picture; that's it)
- Dog walkers (made flyers but got no business)
- Comic writers (made characters and forgot about it)
- Desk toy/action figure makers (sold some to my family and then forgot about it)
- Film directors/actors (filmed the first couple scenes for one, then forgot about it)
- Music video(ers?) (made some when we were little; they were cute, but they kind of stunk)
- Tons and tons of, of course, lemonade stands (I think you can guess...)
- Journal/Diary makers (now that I think about it, this was mainly me...and I still have some; it went surprisingly well >_>)
- Bloggers/Website Designers.... (I think you can see how that went. Haha. She helped me with one blog site, we made another for some recordings, and one more just for the heckofit. None of them received any views/visits. u.u)