Hello, all. G-star here, and no, I don't really have much to talk about...
MC doesn't really want to say hi, since she's doing Spanish, but SHE WILL ANYWAY.
I hardly remember the first week of Christmas vacation, which my health teacher deigned to call winter vacation because "some people don't celebrate Christmas". And that is true, there's also Hanukkah, and other holidays I can't remember...but seriously. We get that week off specifically for Christmas, and the next for New Year's. That's just how it is. I don't understand why the teacher would purposely point that out. He even asked everyone if there was anything they noticed about what he says...
Ah well. Too late for that.
Patveli has been pestering MC and I to read Homestuck, and while I was a tiny bit interested at first, it got annoying and slightly dirty. MC, on the other hand, has become obsessed. Dang you, Patveli. You've stolen my best friend and sacrificed her to the horrors of the internet. (Not that I haven't already committed self-sacrifice with all these roleplays and dating sims...) The only reason I'm even trying to read it is because I want to find out who Davesprite is. He was a character in a webcomic-based dating sim and my favorite character. So yes...
Speaking of MC, she went to Seattle over last weekend. (I, on the other hand, stayed home all break reading, surfing the web, and playing my new Naruto game. Which, by the way, my brother has become sadly obsessed with, even though he pronounces it "Nay-ra-too." Sad, but MC finds it hilarious. And yes, I have continued reading Naruto and am currently on volume 15. My favorite character in the game is Rock Lee, by far, because of his epic Taijutsu skills. He was also my favorite character in the manga, and his fighting style matches my playing style perfectly. Unfortunately, I can't play very far in story mode because I haven't read far enough and I don't want any spoilers. At the same time I bought the Naruto game I got Guitar Hero World Tour and am having a ball with it, though I discovered Patveli's favorite song in one of the first gigs of career mode. Well, lookey there, I just filled a paragraph that was supposed to be dedicated to MC's Seattle trip with a parentheses comment about my newest video games. Those are my priorities.) Apparently the highlight of the trip was....going to an underground bus station that looked like a train station in a giant concrete tube. While that is interesting, I don't see why it wouldn't be something like Fifth Street Market or Starbucks (her favorite store EVER and the most populous building in Seattle). Whatever. That is Miss Cappuccino.
Since I don't have anything else to talk about, let me mention another odd dream I had last night. The first part was myself, some old friends, and Stulte (the last member of my private club with MC and Patveli) at some sort of Minecraft racecar track. Suddenly there was an odd tidal wave and everything was flooded, and I was on a large makeshift raft in the middle of a neighborhood at night with MC, two boys from IHS, possibly Patveli, and Symphony, a character from MC's and my telovelic. A shark somehow broke the raft into four pieces by hitting the bottom, and I was on a piece with MC, possibly Patveli, and one of the boys from IHS. We paddled toward the others to try to bring the raft back together (how would we do that?) and somehow we managed it. The rest of the dream was pretty much nonsense, except for one part where someone said of Symphony "If he had any less testosterone, he'd be making daisy chains". Oddly enough, this pretty much defines his character. He's a WIMP. Also, MC had a dream that my parents were running a sketchy business in the house where people had to actually come into the house, and for some reason my brother wasn't allowed to know and....hiding and...tonsils...you know what? Nevermind.
And that would pretty much be everything interesting that's happened in the last week. Let's hope I get a life soon. Until next week or whenever, this is G-star, signing off.
MC doesn't really want to say hi, since she's doing Spanish, but SHE WILL ANYWAY.
I hardly remember the first week of Christmas vacation, which my health teacher deigned to call winter vacation because "some people don't celebrate Christmas". And that is true, there's also Hanukkah, and other holidays I can't remember...but seriously. We get that week off specifically for Christmas, and the next for New Year's. That's just how it is. I don't understand why the teacher would purposely point that out. He even asked everyone if there was anything they noticed about what he says...
Ah well. Too late for that.
Patveli has been pestering MC and I to read Homestuck, and while I was a tiny bit interested at first, it got annoying and slightly dirty. MC, on the other hand, has become obsessed. Dang you, Patveli. You've stolen my best friend and sacrificed her to the horrors of the internet. (Not that I haven't already committed self-sacrifice with all these roleplays and dating sims...) The only reason I'm even trying to read it is because I want to find out who Davesprite is. He was a character in a webcomic-based dating sim and my favorite character. So yes...
Speaking of MC, she went to Seattle over last weekend. (I, on the other hand, stayed home all break reading, surfing the web, and playing my new Naruto game. Which, by the way, my brother has become sadly obsessed with, even though he pronounces it "Nay-ra-too." Sad, but MC finds it hilarious. And yes, I have continued reading Naruto and am currently on volume 15. My favorite character in the game is Rock Lee, by far, because of his epic Taijutsu skills. He was also my favorite character in the manga, and his fighting style matches my playing style perfectly. Unfortunately, I can't play very far in story mode because I haven't read far enough and I don't want any spoilers. At the same time I bought the Naruto game I got Guitar Hero World Tour and am having a ball with it, though I discovered Patveli's favorite song in one of the first gigs of career mode. Well, lookey there, I just filled a paragraph that was supposed to be dedicated to MC's Seattle trip with a parentheses comment about my newest video games. Those are my priorities.) Apparently the highlight of the trip was....going to an underground bus station that looked like a train station in a giant concrete tube. While that is interesting, I don't see why it wouldn't be something like Fifth Street Market or Starbucks (her favorite store EVER and the most populous building in Seattle). Whatever. That is Miss Cappuccino.
Since I don't have anything else to talk about, let me mention another odd dream I had last night. The first part was myself, some old friends, and Stulte (the last member of my private club with MC and Patveli) at some sort of Minecraft racecar track. Suddenly there was an odd tidal wave and everything was flooded, and I was on a large makeshift raft in the middle of a neighborhood at night with MC, two boys from IHS, possibly Patveli, and Symphony, a character from MC's and my telovelic. A shark somehow broke the raft into four pieces by hitting the bottom, and I was on a piece with MC, possibly Patveli, and one of the boys from IHS. We paddled toward the others to try to bring the raft back together (how would we do that?) and somehow we managed it. The rest of the dream was pretty much nonsense, except for one part where someone said of Symphony "If he had any less testosterone, he'd be making daisy chains". Oddly enough, this pretty much defines his character. He's a WIMP. Also, MC had a dream that my parents were running a sketchy business in the house where people had to actually come into the house, and for some reason my brother wasn't allowed to know and....hiding and...tonsils...you know what? Nevermind.
And that would pretty much be everything interesting that's happened in the last week. Let's hope I get a life soon. Until next week or whenever, this is G-star, signing off.
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