December 8, 2013

Mini-Ramble: Chapter 1 (Evil Static/The Endless Reading Cycle)

     Hello, all.  I'm sorry this is a day late; MC and Ducis (the aforementioned "private club's" fearless leader) came over yesterday to help me practice for the Gaming Club's upcoming "Super Smash Bros. Brawl" tournament.
     I don't think I mentioned this before; see, oddly enough, my school's video game club is really more serious than any of the others.  Last year's club president did absolutely nothing for the club, but this year's president (well, more like the second-in-command is doing all the work) is putting on a fundraiser to buy more games, remotes, and overall better equipment in the form of a tournament.  There's a two-dollar entry fee, and I was the first to sign up.  I plan on using Ike, because, although I've been using Pokemon Trainer the most during club meetings, Ike is my best character.
     Anyway, there's been something slightly concerning going on in my bedroom.  I've been sleeping with 3-5 blankets on top of my comforter since October, and now, whenever I shift any of them, you can hear crackling static.  I've been shocked a few times just getting out of bed.  And at night, when I sit up to fix the blankets at the bottom of the bed, you can see flashing sparks.
     It's kind of cool, but I'm a little scared I'll get a bad shock one of these days.  I already have static problems with my hair.
     Speaking of night, last night I sat down in bed at about 9:30 to read volume 4. of Loveless.  I had intended to read maybe two chapters, do a little drawing, and then get up, say goodnight to my parents, and go to bed so I could listen to an audiobook.  Next thing I knew, I looked up and it was 11.
     I had been reading like this: every couple of chapters I would decide to read another, since it wasn't that late yet and I was a fast reader, and I'd do that again, and again, and so forth, until I realized I had finished the book.  I didn't think it would take an hour and a half to read a manga, but I guess it did (and it makes sense since Loveless is longer than most).  By the time I got up the lights were off and I wasn't planning on crossing the house in the dark to see if they were awake -- I've been reading a reeeeaaaally good ghost novel by Jonathon Stroud, one of my favorite authors -- so I just went to bed, wondering if they would think I was mad at them.
     "Oh, one more chapter won't, I can't stop here, so I'll keep reading until I find a good cut-off spot...I'm almost done, so why stop now?...oh."  That pretty much describes my reading patterns.  Once I start, I can't stop, no matter what I promise myself.
     This leads to a lot of prematurely finished books and a lengthy period of boredom between me finishing every book to the next library visit.
     I need help.
     In any case, here are the last two chapters of my story, unparalleled in lack of perseverance.  I'm doing two at once because the last one is very short and it would be pointless to post it by itself.  Next week, if at all possible, I'll start posting bits and pieces of the comic instead, and if not, bits of roleplays I did or fan art, which will go along faster from now on since I finally have a drawing style I can work with quickly and well.  Until Wednesday, G-star out.

Chapter 1 -- Sensei

Geesh, maybe I should take that guy out shopping for people skills, thought Zane, when suddenly a petite, dark-haired girl came out of the other room (how there could be another room in a warehouse, Zane couldn’t guess) carrying a pile of boxes.  Even sweaty with effort and wearing a baggy hoodie that was rolled up to the elbows, Zane couldn’t stop gaping.  She flicked her short bangs out of her eyes (Zane could have sworn it was in slow motion with little flowers) and glanced up at Zane.  “As long as you’re doing nothing other than gaping open-mouthed at my forehead, could you give me a hand, newby?”  Zane nodded, still slightly jaw-dropped, and took a box off the top of the stack.  

“Oh, Zane, that’s my niece, Kenna.  She’s living here until her parents make up, and she’s a pretty skilled martial artist herself.”  No kidding, thought Zane, at the risk of sounding cheesy, she’s already karate chopped my heart for sure.  And then he dropped the cardboard box on his foot, emitting a yelp of pain.

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