Hello, all. G-star here. Sorry I didn't post earlier; I was playing Wii with my little brother, and though I had this nagging feeling there was something I needed to do on the computer, I couldn't pin it down. I'm sorry for forgetting all you amazing readers out there. u.u I forgot it was Wednesday mainly because I depend on school to keep me up-to-date on what day it is. Why dodn't I have school, you ask? That would be because the local roads have been blocked with ice and snow since Friday. Yes, it is normally my city's duty to clear the roads with their ginormous street-sweepers, but although they cleared out the intersection leading to several stores and a couple schools, for some reason they (the ever-present, all-powerful "they") decided that the long street that leads down to my house, with over a hundred homes on it altogether, didn't deserve sweeping. This, of course, basically nullified the purpose of clearing the big intersection of ice and snow, as no one could get to it to visit stores. Being unable to leave the house has driven my mom to the brink of insanity.
Of course, all this snow has its good sides, too. On Friday it was too powdery to build anything with, so MC and I just walked around the neighborhood. We found some icicles hanging off a car, and I broke one off and licked it...yes, I understand the health hazards of licking something you broke off a car, but it looked clean and I was thirsty. (I was also kind of hoping it might stick to my tongue, but nothing happened.) The next day we just stayed inside reading and playing video games (that's when MC and Ducis came over) and Sunday my family went outside and had a huge snowball fight, made an unsuccessful snowman, tried to make the dog drag us around on a sled (which, unfortunately, didn't work), and made Dad drag us around on a sled (which, unfortunately for Dad, did work). (I mentioned this in a comment after posting on Sunday.)
Since "they" never cleared out the neighborhood and the snow is taking forever to melt, I haven't had school all week. I'm not sure if I'll have it tomorrow; my extremely indecisive school says they're going to wait until tomorrow to make anything official.
Most people would take full advantage of all this, but I'm personally kind of hoping that we'll have school tomorrow. Why? Well, remember that Gaming Club tournament I mentioned before? It was supposed to have started yesterday and go on until, at least I think, the beginning of January (taking into account the two-week Christmas break), but since we missed the first day of the tournament and maybe the second day as well, I'm not sure what will happen. Also, (and I don't think I've mentioned this before, and even though it's not relevant, I don't care because it's interesting,) the prize for the winner of the tournament is a quarter of the total profits from sign-ups (it costs $2 to sign up), while the other 3/4 will be going to new games, controllers, and overall equipment for the club.
This is unrelated, but this entry has been slow going thanks to a website I just discovered called My Candy Love. Well, I say 'just discovered', but I've actually been seeing ads for it for months now and only today decided to check it out. So far it's interesting, but I can't go very many places... Well, looks like Ken wants to go on a date with me.
This really is an odd game. Yet so addicting.... (Mostly because one of the characters looks like Tamaki Suoh. <-<)
Speaking of computer simulation, MC has gotten me addicted to one called "Little Alchemist". You're provided with four elements and have to combine them in all sorts of ways to create new ones. It was fun at first, but now that I have a ton, it's sort of a pain to find two elements that might do something. That wasn't really important, I just felt like I needed to make this entry longer.
It's strange; when I first started blogging, every post was short, and I was fine with it. But now that I've had so much to talk about (sort of) and they've been getting longer, I feel an obligation to make every post just as long, regardless of whether I actually have something to talk about. Interesting. Hopefully, at some point, I'll actually have a need instead of an urge because of my interesting social life. (Yeah, like THAT'LL ever happen. Why do you think I spend my time playing dating sims and roleplaying?)
I just remembered something. My little brother recently downloaded the Minecraft mod "Pixelmon", and I felt an immediate pull. We're both Pokeheads and, though we only have two of the actual games (counting the Wii Battle Stadium game), collect the cards with wild abandon. He with his ridiculously strong EX and Stage 3 cards; I with my strategic cards possessing only attack effects. Oddly enough, I always beat him. (I wonder why that is? -v-) Anyway, he went the "honest way" with his Pixelmon game, starting from scratch in Survival, cheats off, with nothing but a starter, living in Pokemon Centers and desperately scrounging for Apricorns, and guessing when it came to crafting Pokeballs. While I, ever the logical one, started in Creative with cheats on and took the "reasonable way"; providing myself with a home, the essentials (crafting table, furnace, chests) and Pokemon Center supplies (as I was unable to find one, no matter how far I flew), and catching one Pokemon over level one with a Master Ball. After that, though, I went Survival, actually bothering to LOOK UP Pokeball crafting recipes as I played. And what was the result? My brother still only has his starter (as he was unable to make any Pokeballs), no home, and is desperately trying to get along with no cheat abilities. I, on the other hand, have a full team (and then some), plenty of self-crafted Dusk Balls and Level Balls, and manage to heal my Pokemon between battles. Let's take a second and think about which one was the better idea.
Now then, I need to go level up my recently acquired Miltank and track down an Abra that's been giving me the slip. Until Saturday, this is G-star, signing off.