March 6, 2014


     Hello, all.  G-star here.  I'm sure you missed me.
     Pathetically enough, the most exciting thing that happened to me this past week was beating the Pokemon X game.  Technically, it's my brother's, as he received it for Christmas (well, that's technical too; it didn't have his name on it, it was simply a given as he was the only one with a DS of any sort), but he has been 'generously' <_< allowing me to play it when he's not home...sometimes.  So it was difficult to get to this point in the game, but I finally did it, and boy was it worth it.
     (Yes, I'm going to continue ranting about this.)  My thing about training a Pokemon team is that I level them up with a goal: to get them to evolve.  Therefore, I don't often put fully evolved or non-evolving Pokemon in my party.  Pokemon that evolve by trading usually don't find their way into my party or even PC either, since I really don't like trading.  This is partially because I don't have anyone I trust to trade back when it evolves, but mostly because I'm ridiculously frugal; I keep stocked up on Potions (or at least, until they got really expensive and I realized Soda Pops cost the same amount and were more effective), Pokeballs, Great Balls, and Revives, but I never buy things that temporarily up any stats; what's the point?  Besides, all my Pokemon already have maxed stats (that's MY style of training, but I'll go more in-depth with that soon).  Anyway, I never catch a Pokemon I don't intend to either train or trade immediately to an NPC, because catching not only uses up Pokeballs but is a real bother.  My Pokemon faint just trying to keep the other Pokemon from fainting.  This is why Quick Balls are my favorite thing EVER.
     Unfortunately, I quickly found that switching teams every time they had all evolved...didn't work. At ALL.  Every time I would realize the new party was too low level, and then I'd spend an extra week in the surrounding routes before moving on to the next town, have all my Pokemon evolve right before leaving, and start the cycle again.  At some point I just gave up and reverted to my thus far highest level team: an Azumarill named Lapis that I'd been training since the very beginning, an Absol named Omen that had helped me out of many a pinch, an Umbreon named Eon (the one that I had accidentally evolved into Sylveon -_-"), A Staravia/Staraptor named Stella that I at first only had with me to use Fly, a Reuniclus named Meto that, actually, was probably my strongest Pokemon, and a Golurk named Mottel that I just had a fondness for.  Soon, though, I switched Mottel for a Gengar named Spook my brother traded me.  Gengar's probably my overall favorite, but every time I found a Haunter I would accidentally knock it out.  Ridiculously annoying....  Every time I start a new team, I end up with one Pokemon that's very powerful, and has high Defense and everything, but takes a real battering.  At first, this Pokemon was my Pangoro, Bambi.  She would take all sorts of status conditions, be knocked out several times, in one battle, etc...I'm pretty sure if I had taught her Frustration, it would have done 500 damage.  After that it was my Granbull, Mottel, and then finally Spook.  Poor guys.
     Despite my inefficient leveling up method, however, I have some pretty strong Pokemon.  Why?  Well, in the X and Y versions, a thing called Super Training was added.  (Or maybe it was in Black/White too....I dunno, this is the only one I've ever played fully.)  I would spend hours of my free time working up my team's stats; I'd focus on the lowest one (as long as it was useful or important) and increase it until it was a little more than the others.  Then I'd take the next lowest and do the same thing, and so on, and so forth.  Eventually, I'd focus on just one stat that I thought needed improving or would make the Pokemon unbeatable.  I increased Eon's Attack stat a crudload because all his attacks are physical.  This was annoyingly difficult, because it was originally his lowest stat....  After a while, though, my whole team was maxed out, and I was pretty happy with it. ^_^  And then I would continue leveling them up on my journey...until I reached the end.
     The Elite Four were pretty easy to beat because of my type advantages; they were fire, dragon, water, and steel.  I had water/fairy, dark, psychic, ghost, and flying.
     Admittedly, Lapis did most of the work, and the steel guy was pretty difficult as none of my attacks were very effective, but I think I did a pretty good job overall.  Oddly, the champion was the easiest of all -- none of my Pokemon fainted -- and I finished her off pretty quickly.  Completely out of nostalgia, I brought out Lapis, my earliest Pokemon, out to fight her last remaining defense, and had him defeat her with Return.  As the opponent's HP bar fell to zero, I pumped my fist and shouted "I HAVE DEFEATED YOU WITH THE POWER OF LOVE!"
     I'm sorry, that was REALLY long.  But I suppose it's for the best, since I don't really have any other ideas about what to talk about....well, until next time, I suppose.  G-star out.

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