November 23, 2013

Mini-Ramble: Chapter 1 (Offensive Referrals).

     Hello, all.  For the first time in several weeks, I've actually remembered to post this on Saturday!  And, though it's too late for this now, I have something to talk about.  I was watching "Oprah: Where are They Now?" last night with my mom (for the simple reason of her bed is comfortable and that's what she had on) and I saw two very interesting commercials.  First, you know those toilet paper commercials where they take one of theirs and one of the "nameless competitor's", get them wet, put a roll of quarters on them, and drag them across a table to show which one's stronger?  Well, I always thought that not naming the product you're better than was sort of an unwritten rule of advertising, but that seems to be changing.  There was a commercial for the new Window's Tablet and, at the end of the commercial, the actor specifically said "it's better than an iPad." (Quote not exact.)  If my life were a cartoon, I would've paused it right there, turned toward the camera, and said "Woah, woah, woah, did he just say what I think he said??  Did he just diss Apple??"  About twenty minutes later there was an ad for a truck (forgot the brand) where, after getting inside the truck that magically seemed to block out the noise of the neighboring busy interstate, said "It's so much better than those other brands like, say, Ram and Ford."  (Again, quote not exact.)  That last sentence was completely unnecessary, but they still had to name off brand names they're better than (or think they are).  It's a sad day for the advertisement industry.  Anyway, here's the next part of the story.  I'll see you on Wednesday.  Until then, G-star out.

Chapter 1 -- Sensei

He was greeted by the sight of two boys practice fighting on a gymnastics mat.  The woman was standing in the corner by the mat, correcting the boys’ stances every so often.  “Adam!  Raise your arms higher when you punch!  Brenton, you need to watch for his attacks, not stand there waiting for them to hit you in the face!  I can’t afford another hospital bill because you weren't paying attention.”  When the battle ended with Brenton on the floor and Adam with his foot on Brenton’s chest in triumph (the boy got the feeling that this had happened many times before), the woman clapped her hands, causing everyone’s heads to snap towards her.  “We have a new student today.  Adam, Brenton, say hello to Zane Hart.  And make sure you have his attention before bothering to say anything,” She said, rolling her eyes and beginning to roll up the mat.  Adam came over to Zane while Brenton stood up, grumbling and brushing himself off.  “Nice to meet you.  I’m Adam Smith,” he said, shaking Zane’s hand.  He was thickset in a muscular kind of way and tan, with wavy black hair.  He sort of emanated a friendly vibe, hippy-wise, and Zane liked him.

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