Hello, all. I remembered earlier this week that the talent show came and went and I never told you guys what happened. (Sorry about that.) I ended up changing the key of the song, but it turned out well anyway. I'm not sure if I mentioned this before, but there were cash prizes for first, second, and third. I didn't win (a little disappointing, but to be expected). Instead, this guy who performed an original piano piece called "Spontaneous Combustion" (Chemistry club, anyone?), and performed it well. It was INTENSE. He deserved it.
You were able to buy roses (or maybe some of them were carnations? I'm not positive) before the show or during intermission to send to the performers backstage. Smore sent me one first thing (<3 love ya, marshmallow chick), but the odd thing was that during intermission (I was in act one) I received another rose from an anonymous group of "junior girls" who said "<3 you're awesome!!" Awww, thanks, guys. ^_^ I really have no idea who they are, though...I thought it might be Perk and Lee (I've mentioned these two before; they go to my youth group and are juniors at my school), but they weren't at the show. It's things like this that make life worth living.
It snowed today. Everyone agreed the local school grid was completely idiotic to allow school to go on as planned. By third period, everyone had cabin fever and were just jumping around, trying to make a snowman in the classroom by catching snow out the window (this actually happened <_< Obviously, it didn't work), and incessantly asking the teacher whether we were going to be let out early. We weren't. (The jerks.)
Apparently, I was the only one with enough sense to wear gloves, although they were the fabric kind and weren't particularly waterproof... At lunch we all scarfed our lunches (when I say 'we all', I mean Smore, MC, half of MC's friends and I; the whole school was, unfortunately, not in on this) and shot outside into the courtyard to 'build a snowman'. As soon as we did, Stulte, Bibbidy (a girl from OBOB club; I call her this because she's always wearing a powder blue hoodie that reminds me of the old color of my room, inappropriately labeled "Bibbidy Bobbidy Blue"), and Link (friend from Minecraft club) appeared out of nowhere, along with a girl who had a bright red streak in her short black hair (none of us had ever seen her before and she disappeared after five minutes without supplying her name...). Our 'snowman' ended up being a three-inch high lump. But the snowball fight we had was fun. I have pictures! I'll put a couple up at the end of the post.
About five inches fell today, so it'll still be on the ground (and frozen solid) tomorrow. The school network has finally let out a sigh and let us go. ^-^ Patveli sent out a text copied from the school website announcing the closure. He may as well have said "WOOP WOOP!" Tomorrow was going to be a half day anyway, so it won't really affect the rest of the school year (those several snow days we had back in November broke the limit for our days off, so they had to take out a bunch of furlough days; any more full days off and we'd have to continue further into June).
The Handshake Dynasty (I'm just giving up on keeping the name private...if you read this blog, you probably read my other mini-blog for the HSD anyway, so there's really no point anymore) is still hard at work on forming a band. Patveli is trying to teach Stulte drums, but it's not really getting anywhere...Patveli has another friend who wanted to form a band and plays drums, so he may join. We've altogether decided to form two separate bands, one with lots of vocals (that I'm in) and with...um...gentler songs, and another with mostly instrumentals to show off their (partially nonexistent) musical skills. We'll see how this goes.
Is it just me or was this post slightly more subdued than most? Ah well. I feel calmer today. Probably because I made some good memories during lunch...or maybe because I really just have nothing to be particularly exited for. *metaphorical shrug* Or maybe because I need to finish writing in ten minutes. That's likely it. I'm in a rush. Well, until next time, this is G-star signing off....enjoy the pictures!
Top pic: from left to right, myself, Leroy, Smore, Stulte, and that hidden person in the blue jacket down there vv is Bibbidy. Second picture's Smore and I, third picture's Stulte and last one's me.
Leroy wants me to say that, in one (unshown) picture, he screamed "SWEET FROSTING OF THE GODS" and flopped down to do a snow angel.
MC didn't get any pictures.
She's camera-shy.
I'm putting up one for her next post.

You were able to buy roses (or maybe some of them were carnations? I'm not positive) before the show or during intermission to send to the performers backstage. Smore sent me one first thing (<3 love ya, marshmallow chick), but the odd thing was that during intermission (I was in act one) I received another rose from an anonymous group of "junior girls" who said "<3 you're awesome!!" Awww, thanks, guys. ^_^ I really have no idea who they are, though...I thought it might be Perk and Lee (I've mentioned these two before; they go to my youth group and are juniors at my school), but they weren't at the show. It's things like this that make life worth living.
It snowed today. Everyone agreed the local school grid was completely idiotic to allow school to go on as planned. By third period, everyone had cabin fever and were just jumping around, trying to make a snowman in the classroom by catching snow out the window (this actually happened <_< Obviously, it didn't work), and incessantly asking the teacher whether we were going to be let out early. We weren't. (The jerks.)
Apparently, I was the only one with enough sense to wear gloves, although they were the fabric kind and weren't particularly waterproof... At lunch we all scarfed our lunches (when I say 'we all', I mean Smore, MC, half of MC's friends and I; the whole school was, unfortunately, not in on this) and shot outside into the courtyard to 'build a snowman'. As soon as we did, Stulte, Bibbidy (a girl from OBOB club; I call her this because she's always wearing a powder blue hoodie that reminds me of the old color of my room, inappropriately labeled "Bibbidy Bobbidy Blue"), and Link (friend from Minecraft club) appeared out of nowhere, along with a girl who had a bright red streak in her short black hair (none of us had ever seen her before and she disappeared after five minutes without supplying her name...). Our 'snowman' ended up being a three-inch high lump. But the snowball fight we had was fun. I have pictures! I'll put a couple up at the end of the post.
About five inches fell today, so it'll still be on the ground (and frozen solid) tomorrow. The school network has finally let out a sigh and let us go. ^-^ Patveli sent out a text copied from the school website announcing the closure. He may as well have said "WOOP WOOP!" Tomorrow was going to be a half day anyway, so it won't really affect the rest of the school year (those several snow days we had back in November broke the limit for our days off, so they had to take out a bunch of furlough days; any more full days off and we'd have to continue further into June).
The Handshake Dynasty (I'm just giving up on keeping the name private...if you read this blog, you probably read my other mini-blog for the HSD anyway, so there's really no point anymore) is still hard at work on forming a band. Patveli is trying to teach Stulte drums, but it's not really getting anywhere...Patveli has another friend who wanted to form a band and plays drums, so he may join. We've altogether decided to form two separate bands, one with lots of vocals (that I'm in) and with...um...gentler songs, and another with mostly instrumentals to show off their (partially nonexistent) musical skills. We'll see how this goes.
Is it just me or was this post slightly more subdued than most? Ah well. I feel calmer today. Probably because I made some good memories during lunch...or maybe because I really just have nothing to be particularly exited for. *metaphorical shrug* Or maybe because I need to finish writing in ten minutes. That's likely it. I'm in a rush. Well, until next time, this is G-star signing off....enjoy the pictures!
Top pic: from left to right, myself, Leroy, Smore, Stulte, and that hidden person in the blue jacket down there vv is Bibbidy. Second picture's Smore and I, third picture's Stulte and last one's me.
Leroy wants me to say that, in one (unshown) picture, he screamed "SWEET FROSTING OF THE GODS" and flopped down to do a snow angel.
MC didn't get any pictures.
She's camera-shy.
I'm putting up one for her next post.
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