October 9, 2013

Pro's Opinion, Upcoming (Bus. Class 2: The Nothing Chronicles).

     Hello, all.  G-star here, writing this up before school in the library on the most annoying keyboard EVER.  I've found a new roleplay website that I'm addicted to, although I don't know if it's better or worse than warriorcats.  The people on the roleplays I actually manage to join almost never post, which is good because I don't have to check every five minutes just to keep, but is also bad as I do that anyway out of impatience.  Let's see how this goes...  Anyway, to this week's activities.  Not too much has happened other than I finished a short essay for Lit. last night, and I have to finish a French menu and a colored map of Australia by tomorrow.  Crud.  And yes, I am wasting my time blogging instead of doing my homework.  How did you guess?  I'm such a horrible procrastinator...  I have Friday off (it's a teacher workday) and two pools in my area will be open for a "No School Swim Day".  Unfortunately, I hate swimming by myself, and MC, the only friend who'll come with me, usually gets out after 10 minutes, which kind of ruins the point of swimming (no offense, MC).  Oh!  This is completely unrelated, but it came to mind; my great-grandma has recently moved to town, and a man in her building is an artist.  He carves, paints, all sorts of stuff...but he's mostly blind.  (I don't know how he does it.)  According to both my great-grandma and my grandma (who was in town this weekend) he wants to see some of my art. *squuuueeeeeee*  A PROFESSIONAL ARTIST!  WANTS TO SEE MY STUFF!  Although I think my grandma may have exaggerated my skill a bit...  Apparently she told him how I put so much emotion in my character's eyes.  The thing is, a lot of the time their eyes are closed, because I'm lazy...  So I'm a tad worried.  Well, let's see how this goes.  I'm going to be done for now, and I'll come back in Business class to write my "running commentary".  G'bye for now.


     I'm back.  T-dog and his friends spend a surprisingly large amount of time looking at Duck stats (the football team, not the poultry).  Do they really change that often?  Right now, though, he's watching Holes (the movie) on Youtube.  Eee, that is SUCH a great movie!!  It's as good as the book, which I did a report on in 5th grade.  I love the part where a bunch of black-tongued lizards are crawling around on them.  I'm sorry, did I give something away?  Hehe.  Alrighty, I don't think much else is going to happen in an hour, so I'll just be done now.  Until next week (or possibly Saturday), G-star out.

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