Hello, all. G-star here, typing from Business class and wearing the bunny ears I bought for my Halloween costume last year. T-dog (the boy in business who sits next to me) hates me for it. Heheh. Speaking of which, I got the class to call me "Cat" (have I mentioned this? Gomen'nasai if I did) and since T-dog, originally "T-biscuit", seems to enjoy irritating me and copying off my answers, the class unanimously decided to call him T-dog. There's your origin story. The guy who sits next to T-dog wants me to say that he's hot. Not that that's true or anything. Back to the recap. Not too much has happened this week, I don't think, except...last Friday the Minecraft club introduced me to the card game Magic, The Gathering (you've probably heard of it, but it's new to me) and it's pretty fun. I plan on buying a deck soon. Speaking of clubs, I have this nagging feeling that I've missed every Japanese club meeting since the introduction...enforced by the fact that the president of the club said they would put up new posters with the meeting times and the only new posters I've seen say the same thing as the originals. So I guess it meets on Fridays at lunch...? Oops. Well, anyway, I don't have much else to say, so I should probably go. I'll see about writing a list of things that drive me nuts when I get home, since they've been slowly accumulating, but for now you'll just have to wait and check in again after school. I might start posting twice a week, as well, so I can post a list on Wednesday and a summary of the week on Saturdays? What do you think? Tell me in the comments or on my Google+ page. For now, G-star out.
Things That Really Annoy Me
- People saying things like "you times/plus/minus this and this and you get..." [when talking about math] (Geez, how hard is it to just say SUBTRACT, ADD, AND MULTIPLY?! Even my geometry teacher does this!!)
- When people in chat rooms or in comments don't bother with capitalization, punctuation, or even grammar. (Even the ones you can tell are somewhat mature don't know what prefixes and suffixes to put on a verb)
- When a new song is on the radio and they just play it over, and over, and over, and over....
- When a bunch of girls in a car do repetitive, pointless hand games THE ENTIRE TIME. (Makes me want to become a serial killer....)
- When the hallways are really crowded and everyone tries to stuff themselves through a doorway at once....
- In Minecraft when I lag so much that I can't even move one block before lagging right back to where I was just standing. (Although I guess that's a given...)
- People spamming the comments on Youtube videos saying "THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID" or "YOUR MOM/FACE IS ____".
- When I'm too distracted by really good Nightcore mixes to write a decent list or remember what I was originally going to write. -_- I'm sorry, I'll fix it once I recall the original points...
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